Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 6-19-2022

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 6-19-2022

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions6-19-2022 Intel Guru Frank26 the CBI and Kazemi are not wasting time. They’re going about their business and getting all the reforms done. Are they dealing with the New Small Category Notes and the exchange rate now? Yes! ‘Why do I say this so boldly?’ Because the CBI boldly put out these new ATM machines. ‘Do they still have the 3 zero notes in them?’ Yes. ‘They don’t have the NSCNs in them yet? No. ‘Well then that means that they’re gonna just stay with the 3 zero notes frank. They’re never going to change them.’ No.

6-19-2022 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] On the RV front still hearing very positive things for the 20th and the 21st. There is no negative news coming out of Iraq. Article “The Central bank of Iraq: We launched 17 trillion dinars of development initiatives” We also shared several articles over the last 2 days about the continued support and execution for the white papers. We did get more chatter out of Iraq for the need to increase the value of their currency yesterday. Still looks like we are in a great spot…nothing negative.

6-18-2022 Intel Guru Frank26 Article “The central electronic platform for letters of guarantee enhances confidence in banking transactions” ATMs INTERNATIONAL AND DOMESTIC… Article “Communications announces the allocation of two orbits for the Iraqi satellite launch project” SATELLITES ARE FOR INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATION!!! ISN’T THAT CORRECT MUSK?

6-18-2022 Newshound Guru Samson Article “Al-Maliki flirts with Al-Sadr and offers cooperation”

6-18-2022 Newshound Guru Sandy Ingram Iraqi law stipulates that when lawmakers resign from parliament their seats are to be distributed to the runner-up parties. What this means is Iran ‘s Sunni influence in Iraq will likely grow considerably. This may not be the best outcome for investors. The runner-ups are Iran-backed supporters.

6-18-2022 Newshound Guru Tivon …All the EFSL is waiting on is the signature of Presidency Saleh. Not something still pending like the Gov formation…Al-Zamili said last week in a statement, (6 June 2022), that “this law is among the most important laws that, if enacted, will contribute significantly to tackling unemployment and creating job opportunities for young people, as it will guarantee them all pension rights and privileges.” This is the private sector Ladies & Gentlemen. How can this work without an exchange rate?

6-18-2022 Newshound Guru Godlover I am still leaning towards the EFLS not having what we all seek…I think the EFSL is just as it states, an emergency law to give their citizens immediate relief. Just too much talk of the need for a new government (or extension with full powers from current), & the passage of the 2022 budget to dismiss…

6-18-2022 Newshound Guru Pimpy Sadr knows what he’s doing. He absolutely knew by resigning was going to cause all kinds of issues for the Coordinating Framework…there’s a problem, they’re still trying to figure out how to get Sadr back along with his deputies. This puts Sadr in a strong position of power…the Coordination Framework has to be freaking out. Sadr is a lot more popular than people realize and he easily can cause an uprising…I think…he’ll come back only if he gets what he wants…

6-18-2022 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “Maysani issues a book documenting Iraqi stamps and coins” Timing if this being exposed is not by coincidence, imo. They’ll likely once they re issue a new exchange rate will have a need for coins, thus, the book would be expected to be updated to reflect this next historical move.

6-18-2022 Newshound Guru Militiaman The Central Bank of Iraq has shown to the Central Bank of England new currency with a need for smaller increments to make change. That is in that they showed them the NSCNs…Then we saw the ATMs that have new innovative technology to recycle currency. They roll out of the new exchange rate education is imo fully underway. All while the EFSL has a time clock to be presented in the Gazette. I like what we are seeing.

6-18-2022 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] One source has told us that we will be dancing in the streets – celebrating when this goes for us…we’re hearing anytime between where we are right now and July 4th…

6-18-2022 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …After my conversation with…my contact in the Central Bank of Iraq (CBI)… I still firmly believe that this is the year to see the reinstatement of the Iraqi dinar. I was told the target is still by end of June…With the reinstatement to FOREX the goose that is laying the golden eggs of corruption money will end since the currency auctions in the capacity of today will also end…I was told that this is sooooo close (and I mean so very close) to the event…