An Expert Reveals The “Shortest Way” To Approve The 2022 Budget
An Expert Reveals The “Shortest Way” To Approve The 2022 Budget
06/04/2022 | 4:05 PM
Information / Baghdad..
On Saturday, the economist, Nabil Al-Marsoumi, revealed a quick way to pass the 2022 budget law without legal problems.
Al-Marsoumi said in a Facebook post that I saw / the information /: “The 2022 budget can be approved by amending the Financial Management Law, Article 13 first, which allows only spending at a ratio of 12/1 and the inclusion of a new article in its place that allows the caretaker government and at the request of Parliament to present the budget.” He stressed that “this simple amendment will solve the problem.”
He explained that “history helps us in this, and the Maliki government has previously spent, which is a caretaker government in 2014, more than that percentage because the Financial Management Law of 2004 did not restrict the exchange in the event that the government was not formed, and the restriction appeared when the Financial Management Law No. 6 of 2019 was enacted.” finished/25h