Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 6-23-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 6-23-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions6-22-2021 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat I have some “WOW” news for you…Yes, this news is amazing since the financial advisor to the prime minister suggested that they perform the project to delete the zeros. We have not heard any discussions on this project for a very long time. It is about time. They are discussing it as part of the solution to the financial mess they are in…once again they are debating the need to do the project (which will get us the RV and shortly afterwards the RI). What we need is for the finance committee, through the pressure from the prime minister and his financial advisor and economists, to work with the CBI and then later for the CBI to confirm that they are moving ahead. We have not yet gotten this confirmation…

6-22-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ Evening Update: No negative news…A number of my banking contacts are going right to voicemail…I am hoping this is a good sign… [Maybe they signed an NDA?] Yes I am hoping that…or that they are busy exchanging right now. I would like to think this is positive news…a couple of them in Europe…are being asked to stay in position. They are being told this is very close…imminent… [Do you think this is our week] All of my bankings contacts do…and I hope they are correct.

6-22-2021 Intel Guru Fleming Third Monday RV Report… Military has confirmed that from 1:01 AM EDT…the FOREX will update. Tomorrow morning will be the shotgun start for Tier 4. If everything goes according to plan, in the wee hours of the morning, Tuesday, June 22, 2021 is our start…

6-22-2021 Newshound Guru Pimpy When they tell you it’s being exchanged in country…that doesn’t make no sense…I want you to understand something. If the rate change happened in country do you understand what type of black market we’d have going on here? You can go to the United States and buy the currency dirt cheap, run over to the border, give it to a friend who can run it to Iraq, exchange it for the higher exchange rate, take the money, bring it back to you, go back to your country buy more and get rich that way. This is why there is no change of rate in country. It would definitely disable the currency. That doesn’t make any sense whatsoever.

6-21-2021 Intel Guru Fleming Our military intel contact can’t say much except that IMF had to finish rate coordination after Iraq finished, the RV teams meeting and pointing fingers today means they are PUSHING HARD for the release right now…His info agrees…“positive news for this week”…; and his info agrees with the intel from Mr Fleming’s source who said, “There was a meeting today to determine who did what in causing the RV delay last night. The parties attending included: DOD, IMF, UST, WF, HSBC, and the specific principals from Iraq involved, all of the parties involved in the release…the end result was a unanimous – push this out right now decision. It’s all in process.”

6-21-2021 Intel Guru Holly This is a fluid event and we must remain fluid and keep our expectations in check…As far as the release of the RV, what was told is all is ready and done and then we found out yesterday something needed to be done by the IMF. …just allow it to happen and it will when it is time.

6-21-20221 Intel Guru Fleming …WF, HSBC, (and thousands of Redemption Centers), all of the banking entities involved, wait along with millions of us, for the start to begin the exchange process – expected last night. …No rates were publicly given, and FOREX did not demonstrate the New Iraq Dinar values – along with 22 other new currency values. So what happened? We may never know…What matters is that the RV GCR is moving forward…There’s no stopping RV GCR. FOREX rates are updated every TUESDAY, THURSDAY and SUNDAY…

6-21-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] …I believe this is going to be a very interesting week…I believe this is going to come at us at a million miles an hour this week…I heard from my banking contacts there was a major push for this to go last night. There is a lot of folks still in place. My redemption folks in Europe are staying in place…Europe is still holding on to hope… As for rates…lots of different rates showing on banks screens …nothing settled…my banking guys do not know what the rate will finally be…We are just waiting for that shoe to drop. I know it’s hard when we are so close…

6-21-2021 Newshound Guru Pimpy Article: “Al-Kazemi’s financial advisor: Deleting three zeros from the currency is an option” Every six months or so this gets brought up and everybody gets in panic mode…he didn’t say they’re gonna do it. It’s an option. They did 5 years worth of study. You know what they found out? It’s not doable. It affects the poor too much…they already devalued the currency, now you’re talking about lopping off the zeros? So 10,000 dinars becomes 10 dinars…lopping the zeros off the currency -bad. Removing it off the rate – good…if they lop off the zeros people would lose confidence in their currency. You would get pissed off people from countries all over who have invested into the currency…

6-21-2021 Newshound Guru Pimpy Look they talk about this all the time. People always get their panties in a wad. They talk about this but there’s already been a ton of studies that say this would be big. This would be bigger than when they devalued the currency in the first place. Are they going to do it? There’s no way to tell. Most likely not. That doesn’t mean I’m right. It’s my opinion…this would be yet another huge blow to the currency itself. People would lose faith in it…they bring this up at least once every six months…everybody goes up in in arms. Everybody panics…watch what they do, not what they say.

6-21-2021 Intel Guru Holly …all my sources are saying everything is done. We just await the final release and notifications. We clearly are on an any moment release.