An economist presents an option that yields five benefits to Iraqis and secures employee salaries

An economist presents an option that yields five benefits to Iraqis and secures employee salaries

7/26/2020 13:28

An economist presents an option that yields five benefits to Iraqis and secures employee salariesBaghdad today – Baghdad

Today, Sunday, economist Rasem al-Aqidi proposed an option that would be an alternative to external and internal borrowing and achieve five benefits for Iraqis, the most prominent of which is the continuous provision of salaries.

Al-Aqidi said in an interview with (Baghdad Today), that “45% of Iraqi money is chunky in homes due to the lack of trust among citizens in government and private banks, in addition to the fact that government banks still adopt very traditional frameworks in depositing deposits and withdrawing them, making the citizen away from depositing His money. ”

He added, “The financial liquidity hoarded in the homes of Iraqis can be paid to deposit in banks by liberalizing the interest rate to mobilize savings and up to 10%, which will push many to deposit in banks, pointing out that this cash block will give the state flexibility in securing payment of salary dues without Any problems in addition to that it will give profit margin to civilians and reduce the repercussions of theft and give flexibility to the movement of markets because the banks will have a large liquidity for lending and project financing. ”

Al-Akidi said, “Most of the countries of the world adopt the automatic payment method and have paid to settle the salaries of their employees through current accounts in banks, meaning that the process of carrying cash is very limited and payment is made through automated payment cards as it will lead to legalizing the transfer of funds and prevent the financing of terrorism and the smuggling of money And reduce the windows of corruption . ”

Yesterday, July 25, 2020, the Rafidain Bank called on citizens to deposit their money in the bank and obtain profitable financial benefits for them.

The media office of the bank said in a statement received (Baghdad today), “Depositing the citizens’ money in bank branches and opening bank accounts for them corresponds to granting the benefits arising from it. ”

Elian added that “a lot of citizens are still hoarding their money in homes without success, and they should benefit from moving these funds in the banking sector, investing them, and attracting them to operate them in other sectors.”