Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-21-2020
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-21-2020
7-21-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy Article: “Iraq receives international support to remove its name from the list of high-risk countries” Right here we have one group of people saying they have removed Iraq off a special list blacklisting them and then we have the EU saying they have blacklisted them. Here’s the thing, don’t be confused by them. All that’s really gonna matter is what Trump says… Quote: “..Iraq receives support from some European counties to remove its names from the list of high-risk countries.” This is good for them…one group said let’s remove them. The other group said, no we’re gonna keep them on there. Now we have this…it looks like indeed they’re about to be removed. So this is all good news. This is what we’re looking for. This is a step in the right direction.
7-21-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] …There has been a lot of positioning…everyone is ready…just have not seen any money movement. My military contacts are squarely looking at the 22nd and 23rd. Banks are looking for it every day. We are stuck in a holding pattern for “something”. Lots of positive chatter out there though.
7-20-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [How can your bankers be wrong every day of the week?] Because that is what they are being told. They need to be ready and in place for when it does happen….
7-20-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “Parliamentary Finance warns of financing policy through the cash issue” Quotes: “There is a difference between printing the currency and the new monetary issue…”; “monetary issuance is one of the solutions for financing the deficit…” If these guys can be any more confusing than they are now, they will…They tell us the good and the bad. The good is what I focus on… It is the obvious now.. imo…The are talking about the new monetary issues. Different categories (NSCNs), as a solution for financing the deficit, as developed countries do!
7-20-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ Was very quiet this weekend…I’ve gone back and forth with a number of banking contacts. They are hearing there will be a release and funding tomorrow. Many of the redemption centers have been told they will see us this week. That is the chatter and I am hearing it from all over the place. Stories out of Europe about the corruption in the Iraq government…the new government is still cleaning it up. I have heard so much chatter about the 21st, the 22nd and the 23rd. From government sources, from press sources and others all over the place that we are about to see some land-breaking huge stuff over that 2-3 day period…Overall the news is great!!
7-20-2020 Intel Guru Footforward I’m very leery on this “the RV has happened they just haven’t told anyone” stuff. Because that’s impossible. You either have RV’d or you haven’t. If they have, the new rate will be in and on forex. You can’t have a secret in country rv. It doesn’t work. They can be ready to go and ready to pull the trigger. But once it’s pulled, you can’t hide it…This can go any day. But until we…can cash out, we don’t really have an RV…