Saleh proposes solutions to reduce the 2020 budget deficit
Saleh proposes solutions to reduce the 2020 budget deficit
12:34 – 02/18/2020
Baghdad – Mawazine News
, the financial advisor to the Prime Minister, the appearance of Muhammad Salih, on Tuesday, offered solutions to reduce the budget deficit of 2020.
Saleh pointed out the need to “return the financial architecture to Iraq to reduce unnecessary expenses”, stressing “finding real and effective internal sources to supplement the budget with any Resorting to borrowing, especially since the state is in a balanced debt position at the present time, meaning that the fiscal space is good. ”
He drew a favor to“ the presence of vessels evading taxes, since the payment of taxes and taxes and taxes The state’s balance, and thus it will go to the society’s livelihood, especially since the employee is an important contributor to the economic cycle through his spending, and this process is called doubling the income in a way that drives the wheel of the economy. ”
He explained that ” the obligation to pay the tax is called the right of co – existence, a free national contribution and not a collection of fief, and to be fair, simple and payable without fatigue citizen”, urging the “strengthening of financial management and management of the collection to provide resources and rule out expenditure, which is about resources Customs, borders and fees. ”
The advisor stressed, “The importance of the ability to address corruption and violations, that is, spending without the availability of benefits, and the need to address unnecessary expenditures in the budget and reduce them, especially since there are many gaps in exchange.”
Saleh urged to “search for real sources that guarantee living for what was added of employees and secure their salaries, through real tendencies to maximize internal resources.” End 29 / A 43