Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 2-9-20
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 2-9-20
2-9-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Francis Albert […bottom line Iraq can make monitary changes when ever they want I believe it is and has been a security issue holding them back.] It feels that way to me also… I “believe” (no proof or secret sources), that the CBI has been ready to do something significant. (not sure what this will be), but something, and as things cool down and the Iran ‘s influence decreases…something will happen.
2-9-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …I am hearing lots of chatter about elections in six months…This is NOT going to happen and here is why. The Iraqi legal expert, Ali al-Tamimi, said on Wednesday (February 05, 2020) that the Iraqi constitution did not include an article or a paragraph called “an interim government,” noting that the Prime Minister-designate Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi, would continue to run the government until 2022. …sometimes what you are seeing in the surface is not the entire story…TRUST ME there is a plan and they are executing it. We will see our reinstatement sooner rather than later.
2-8-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff …Trump actually picked the year that he wanted this to happen. Obviously Iraq had to have a combination of stability too but Trump most likely wanted this timed for the rate change to be timed with his 2020 campaign theme of a strong economy…all we’re waiting on here is a specific calendar day. [Sunday March 22, 2020]. Iraq does appear to be walking possibly when Kuwait did there’s…everything is looking good.
2-8-2020 Newshound Guru Breitling …what Iraq needs from their budget – how much they make and how much they need – they talk about getting to a billion notes to get to $1.17 and up. At a minimum they need about .53 cents. That’s based on their information. Even though I’m speculating that’s the best math I can come up with based on what they need. They need about .53 cents. That does not mean that’s what they will come out at…
2-8-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Francis Albert Obviously…[Guru] Kaperoni is throwing the baby out with the bath water. I don’t believe any sensible person believes the Iraqi Dinar is going to go from .00086 to $3.50 overnight. (This is what most believe an RV will be)…What Kap doesn’t see, is the forest for the trees. It is obvious to anyone paying attention to the news and three reliable sources that I know of: (The Goat, Frank and Adam Montana) Iraq is going to take their currency international and take off the program rate instilled by the IMF, U.N…So, a hit from program rate to something like .86 popping on Forex overnight, (my prediction), is very possible and doable…of course it will “float”. All currencies are pegged to the dollar and go up and down as people buy them…And Kap is right. Who knows how long it will take for it to go up from the initial hit? I think a few months can get us to an “interesting” number. But, hey, .86 is pretty darn interesting, but I wouldn’t sell at this price. That’s my .86 worth today for what it is worth.
2-8-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff …Iraq’s got a new PM…hopefully by the end of February he can get his cabinet formed…we are not waiting on the formation of that government. Sometimes people might tell you we are. We’re not waiting on the formation of the government. They have their stability they need…Iraq’s transitioning to a new fiscal year. They’ve already told us that the reforms are the large deficit within the budget – that’s all post rate change. Everything is moving in the right direction. We’re looking good. I have not changed my time-frame…Iraq is now walking in Kuwait’s timing footsteps. It’s that simple…we’re waiting on one thing. We’re waiting on the calendar [March 2020]…
2-8-2020 Newshound Guru Breitling …People send me emails asking very specifically if Trump has any sway or anything like that on the Iraqi dinar? Not the Iraqi dinar. He has influence on the price of oil. And he has influence on Iraq’s U.S. accounts. We can freeze those. The dinar itself they have control of…everything we look at and look for that’s what’s going on. They are reducing their note count. Oil prices are going down. They have an emergency budget put together because that exact cause and effect. So here we are…I’ve never had any fear about them adding value to the dinar. Not once…