Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-5-19

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-5-19

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions12-5-2019 Newshound Guru Breitling …are you ready? Meaning, when you go to exchange your currency that’s a taxable event. You’re gonna get hit and you haven’t even bought anything yet. You go buy a home, you’re gonna get taxed again. That’s a taxable event. You go buy a nice car, that’s a taxable event. You go buy some nice property after you buy your home…that’s a taxable event…That’s what I’m worried about. I’m not worried about it revaluing. I never was worried about it revaluing…we know exactly what’s going on based on geopolitical strategy and the cause and effect of what goes on in-between. It’s a fantastic opportunity you and I have but you better be prepared tax wise…

12-5-2019 Guest Intel Guru Angel1 …we are in an incredible window. Why? Why are my people so excited? Because the banks of Iraq are in unity. Guess who’s leading them? The CBI…unity brings power…purchasing power. And that’s what’s gonna happen. The accounting adjustment that was made was absolutely powerful…every bank is onboard…it is time…America and the US Treasury are ready. Pence went and delivered the rider for the budget.

12-5-2019 Newshound Guru Adam Montana We are currently looking at some interesting Budget possibilities, pressure on pushing HCL forward, and more. All good stuff!

12-4-2019 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] …We are really at a crossroads tonight with the information that we have had over the last 3-4 days…there are things called “event triggers”… these are releases…things that have to happen…we are down to just a couple of event triggers to go…that’s it…The theory is that once…these event triggers are complete…which we think will complete tonight [Tuesday]…then we should be golden and we should be ready for our notifications…Our particular notification that you and I are looking for is a toll free number…I just have a feeling that we’re going to be moving through here and going ahead and setting our appointments up fairly soon…I would say guys we are really at the finish line – I believe we are there…I’m going to say that everything is looking very very good…

12-4-2019 Newshound Guru Jeff Document “The Exchange Rate of Foreign Currency in Economic Feasibility Studies 12/4/2019″. Quote: “3. Estimate the amended exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar to be used in technical and economical feasibility studies and for (1.134) dollar per dinar. This price should be approved for 3 years until re-appreciation by the competent authorities.”

12-4-2019 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] …My Iraqi contacts are still expecting to see it happen at any moment…they feel that today started a window to see this all go. We heard a number of NDA’s signed again last weekend…the contacts I know at redemption centers are manned and ready…they are there…We are waiting for somebody to say “go”… I really think we will see this before Christmas..

12-4-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …the news from Iraq is all about two things: 1) News from the CBI telling its member banks to stop all financing and loan contracts from Dec 1, 2019 to Jan 1, 2020…this is part of the revenue stream for banks so this is not an easy task to ask them to do for a month, unless it was important. So what does this mean? …the CBI has wanted to complete the “project to delete the zeros” and then reinstate the Iraqi dinar and that the best timeframe is do this at the beginning of each fiscal accounting year. JANUARY is the beginning of their fiscal year…All attempts so far have been made during this period. So…once again we have a target of now up to early January 2020 to expect this project to delete the zeros to move ahead again and get a rate change in Iraq…

12-4-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat 2) Ending the corruption and curving the Iranian influence out of Iraqi politics. Since just about every high ranking govt official is involved in one way or another in corruption…They must do something and do it now with the pressures from the protestors. First get something to the protestors that is concrete and they can see the difference. …You all should be VERY, VERY HAPPY at these current events and how this can lead to us finally getting our pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Remember I said “there is always that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow only you can’t yet see the rainbow until the storm ends”. What did the Iraq news say to use recently? It said the “storm has ended” and so we are now just waiting for the rainbow to appear…

12-4-2019 Newshound Guru Breitling If you look at it in chronological order of what we’ve been watching, it’s such a beautiful thing! You should be very very happy. It’s a reality. It’s a huge huge pressure cooker for Iraq right now. So watch the conversations about the budgets. Watch what they’re talking about…when is the exact date of when it’s gonna happen? It doesn’t matter…they can’t depend on that $56 per barrel budget and whatever value they’re gonna add to the currency. In other words they’re gonna be forced to do it if they take too long…that’s not my opinion. That’s the language they’re throwing out there…I couldn’t be more excited…It’s a great position to be in. It’s fun to watch.