Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 1-4-19

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 1-4-19

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions1-4-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru RVAlready [Question. Is it to say that Iraq depends on stable oil prices in which to submit, ratify, and approve a budget? I ask because one would think that contingencies would be in place for such a volatile resource.] That would depend on current rate vs budget minimum target rate. A question I cannot answer….there is probably room to spare in the numbers. They have been at this a long time. So, they probably have room to play before they would alter the budget. Also…they have plenty of monetary reserves.

1-4-2019 Newshound Guru Adam Montana [Since I have been on this investment (10years) the dinar rate is moving in the wrong direction (Devaluation) from 1166 – 1182 – 1190.] …I don’t think we’re seeing anything to worry about. A change from 1166 to 1190 is miniscule and barely worth noting…I think we are going in a good direction.

1-3-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Will we see the “reinstatement” of the Iraqi dinar this month? All we can go by is what we know as FACTS…We know that Jan 2013 is a known past planned targets to reinstate the dinar. Even Dr Shabibi came out in a news media talk and told us that Iraq had an “unprecedented” opportunity to reinstate the dinar. But they failed due to political corruption. Three other targeted times but NOT attempted like in 2013, also occurred for January 2011, 2016, 2018. The CBI also came flat right out and told us that “EARLY 2017” was a target but due to ISIS war not completed this would be delayed. So it seems that EARLY January is significant. When we research we find out that the accounting period (fiscal year accounting period) for Iraq begins Jan 1st not oct 1st like in the western world. Could this make a difference as to why they select January each time? This may always been the best opportunity for them to reinstate the dinar.

1-3-2019 Intel Guru RayRen98 Iraqi TV is reporting that the cabinet will be completed on Friday. PM Mahdi is being quoted as saying that the Supreme Court will be restructured due to corruption. More of the Green Zone is being made available for public access.

1-3-2019 Guest Guru BobTheTaxMan Things have never changed. They haven’t. It’s [The Iraqi Dinar] an undervalued currency that we have elected to participate in. It takes a little bit of gumption to step up and try that…I hope and believe that somewhere in the very near future we are gong to see everything shift over in the Middle East and the investment we’re involved in to will come to fruition.

1-3-2019 Intel Guru ADMINBILL Where we are as of 01/01/2019…This is what was passed to me at last night. Once again the scheduled release of the RV, set for the end of 2018, and subsequently postponed, is now said to be rescheduled for early January 2019. As I have said multiple times in the past the RV must be preceded by a completion of all activation processes which I believe may have been completed in full or nearly so. The final process is said to be the public RV…After forwarding that information to several contacts it was stated that the information they have receive follows closely to what I just summarized…We shall see how this latest information plays out through the coming days and early weeks of 2019.