America gives Kurdistan two messages to solve problems with Baghdad
America gives Kurdistan two messages to solve problems with Baghdad
Fri, 03 Nov 2017 07:03:59
The President of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), Najibvan Barzani, received a US diplomatic delegation during the meeting to discuss the current situation in the Kurdistan Region and Iraq. The US Ambassador to Iraq, Douglas Soliman, called on Kurdistan Region parties to support the Kurdistan Parliament to solve outstanding problems between Arbil and Baghdad.
The US consulate in Erbil said in a statement that the US ambassador to Iraq stressed that it is necessary to be a strong Kurdistan Regional Government within Iraq unified federal to achieve stability in the long term and the complete elimination of “calling.”
The statement pointed out that the ambassador pointed out that the United States calls on all Kurdish parties to support the Parliament of the Kurdistan Region, where he works to resolve outstanding issues during the remainder of his mandate and prepare for the elections in 2018.
The statement said that the United States will continue with all parties to address and resolve issues The relationship under the provisions of the Iraqi constitution. The statement added the US ambassador asked the Kurdistan Regional Government to work with Baghdad to ease military tensions.