Abadi: there are no US troops on the ground in Iraq

Abadi: there are no US troops on the ground in Iraq

05/03/2017 0:00

Abadi - there are no US troops on the ground in IraqAnnounced the amendment the House of Representatives election law
Baghdad / morning / Alaa al-Tai
Refuted the Prime Minister and Commander of the Armed Forces Haider al – Abadi, again, allegations of the presence of US military forces are fighting on the ground in Iraq, stressing that the Iraqi security forces alone fighting liberation battles against “Daesh” and achieve victories, and otherwise they are just “false allegations.”
While confirmed the use of international expertise to prosecute corrupt evidence and documents, he stressed the government ‘s decision to move to provide electricity around the clock , and it is irreversible, while pledging to review the terms of an advance of retirees to provide them with the granting of loans facilities.
This comes at a time when the Cabinet decided in its session held, on Tuesday, install dozens of daily wage employees on the permanent staffing in the service departments of ministries of municipalities and housing who went on hiring long periods, as voted on the reimbursement of peasants and farmers by emphasizing the Ministry of Finance to launch An amount of 500 billion dinars per month.
The participation of the popular crowd –
Abadi, and at the beginning of the press conference weekly which was attended by the “morning”, congratulated the Iraqis as “victories achieved by the security forces in the urban archaeological city , which was under the control of Daesh”, calling on the Department of Antiquities in Nineveh to “assess the damage in the city and archeological sites in Nineveh and secure and rapid from the security forces and the popular crowd protection. ” The Prime Minister explained that the “popular crowd participated in a major urban operations to liberate the city and they had a clear contribution to the liberation of Nineveh battles,” saying: “We are involved in the implementation of the full liberalization of Nineveh plans.”
Abadi , who added that “there are only limited spaces are eliminated terrorist groups , and there are excellent progress in the process , which was planned and agreed upon,” warned at the same time of the “infiltration of terrorists trying to penetrate some of the liberated areas and pressure on the security forces , as well as acts of terrorism , sporadic whereby they try to deliver messages they are “calling to” cut off the road on terrorism unit. ”
Announced the commander of the armed forces , ” an integrated plan to cleanse Anbar completely and prevent the infiltration of terrorists,” he said , “it only remains a fraction the entire city of Mosul , from an abomination” Daesh “gangs terrorist to liberate, and in Anbar was liberated areas of Anbar, Fallujah, Ramadi and the highway except Exposures by the the enemy from time to time , and by a few individuals as attacking specific points on the road 180 km to our forces working to fully secure the road , “asserting that” these attacks do not threaten the cities. ”
Build a solid economy
and on the next government steps in order to build a sober and strong economy and the protection of the national product as well as oil revenues and support the agricultural, commercial and industrial sector, the executive head of that , “said a government plan being implemented include giving concessions to traders and exporting companies and the private sector and increase thoughtfully in order to supplement the the country ‘s economy currency and create jobs. ”
And the decision to privatize the electricity and made available to citizens around the clock, he explained that there was a meeting with the senior coordinating body for the provinces to discuss the file and a project to provide electricity, pointing out that the decision to provide the citizen over 24 hours during the summer , a past does not return or decline it , “noting that” this service costs will be cheap compared to what is currently paid by the citizens because it would be according to what the citizen its consumption actually. ” processing power , said the prime minister that” we have a program to decode the bottlenecks in the network and abuses them and we will continue processing power in partnership between the private and public sectors in the collection Georha “and urged citizens to” rely on information and official data and government electricity wages according to the decision of the government levy not from fictitious sources that are trying to jamming and falsification of facts. ” Abadi said that” there are allegations broadcast by some of the beneficiaries who want the continuation of this waste in order to be able to make money that It evaporated , including billions of dollars in the past to no avail or provide electricity service effectively to citizens , “noting that” pricing will make a big difference per family and that the project taking into account the segments with low and middle – income society. ” With regard to carrying weapons outside the framework of the state, new prime minister rejected the government to take up arms outside the state or traded, while pointed out that “there are campaigns for security forces to curb it and resolve tribal conflicts that negatively affect the citizen and society”, describing these as “organized crime and beyond the law. ” Address traffic congestion and said Abadi, on traffic jams: ” The government continues to lift concrete barriers to simplify the movement of vehicles and privately were also lifted the curfew , ” stressing that ” the strict measures taken by security forces , which are based on intelligence information and the thanks have been many attempts foiled terrorist and lower enemy operations to a large extent. “, and through the western Anbar, the commander of the armed forces that” operations gradually take place to liberate the entire region and it needs a major military campaign , “pointing out that” the security forces successfully address the operations carried out by Daesh Withstand the battles and confrontations. ” Abadi continued that ” the interests of the lives of the fighters would not follow the previous contexts and troops caught in huge numbers in the battles , ” explaining that ” the face of the military units to provide protection of troops to accompany the soldiers during their vacation in disembarking.” And the security situation in general, said the Commander in Chief , “we are heading today to secure the Iraqi – Syrian border, and walked quiet plan”, reiterating “forces do not exist or US bases in Iraq , and we have no fighting US troops and says the opposite it is an outright lie.” “In Mosul , only allowed in the rear lines advisors to accelerate coordination in the air cover , ” pointing out that “there are those who want to create an atmosphere for the lack of services and work hoping that the collapse of the country and stop the investment and development of the wheel.” He continued , “We asked from Italy, France and Germany advisors to assist them in first – class to stimulate the economy and sent us a good experience.” Cabinet meeting in the meantime, the Council of Ministers voted to amend the draft election of the House bill and sent to the House of Representatives for a vote, while the voice of the capital increase of Trade Bank of Iraq (TBI). According to the Information Office of the Prime Minister ‘s statement, received by the “morning”, that ” the Council of Ministers , which was held, on Tuesday, its regular headed Abadi, conducted” an extensive discussion of the draft election of the House bill was voted to amend the draft law in force to be sent to the House of Representatives. ” He added Office, that ” the Council voted on a resolution to protect steel product steel (10-32 mm) by adding a fee of custom by 5 percent unit measuring rebar product for a period of 4 years and without reducing all of Iraq ‘s imports and origins of all,” noting that ” the Council voted to increase the capital of trade Bank of Iraq (TBI) of an amount of Trillion to 2 trillion and 750 billion dinars. ” As the Council voted, according to the statement, the” inclusion of the measure of daily appointments within the angel movement in the service of the Ministry of Construction and Housing, Municipalities and Public Works departments “, while the voice of the” draft ratification encouragement Convention on the Mutual Protection of Investments Act between the Government of the Republic of Iraq and the Government of Islamic Republic of Iran. ” the statement pointed out that the Council also voted to” pay dues peasants and farmers by emphasizing the Ministry of Finance launched an amount of 500 billion dinars a month from April until August. ” The statement concluded by pointing out that ” a report was submitted to the Council of Ministers on water revenues and rising levels of Mosul Dam to 320.6 above sea level for the first time in 10 years after the maintenance work carried out by the Italian company.”
