Czech president calls for non-acceptance of refugees from Muslim countries

Czech president calls for non-acceptance of refugees from Muslim countries

August 3, 2016

Czech president calls for non-acceptance of refugees from Muslim countriesNur News / Agencies

Jerry Oovjajak, spokesman for the Czech presidency, on Tuesday said that the country’s president Milos Zeman, calls for the non-acceptance of refugees from Muslim countries, pretext that they come to the Czech Republic, means “the spread of the threat of terrorism” in the country, he said.

Oovjajak’s remarks came at a press conference held at the presidential residence in the capital Prague, where it explained that Zeman strongly opposed the idea of ​​receiving Muslim refugees in his country, noting that it would not allow the occurrence of terrorist operations in his country, such as those that took place in France and Germany.

In response to a question about the promises made by the Czech government previously, regarding the reception of two thousand and 691 refugees from Italy and Greece, and 80 from Turkey, Oovjajak, reported that the country’s president will ask the government reconsider its promises.

It should be noted that Turkey and the European Union reached in March 18 / March 2016 in the Belgian capital Brussels agreement aims to combat illegal immigration and trafficking in human beings, where the Turkey Under the agreement, which was introduced in April 4 / April current, the reception of immigrants arriving to the Greek Islands who Make sure inspiration from Turkey.

And will take the necessary measures for the return of illegal immigrants Syrians to their home countries, while will be housed Syrians hostile camps within Turkey, sending Syrian refugees registered with the European Union countries for every Syrian hostile to it, it is expected that the number of Syrians arrive in the process of exchange in the first phase 72 A person, while the European Union will take care expenses exchange process and readmission.