GOI Spokesman: Iraq is the only country in the world that does not apply a tariff on customs


BAGHDAD / JD established the Council of the Iraqi National Business Panel Discussion economic on the customs tariff and certificates of inspection and that, as it represents the subject of great importance to the economic and social as it affects every citizen in our dear country, and used Business Council to shed light on these laws, instructions, as well as to illustrate the pros and cons accompanied by.

Began the symposium word brief President Business Council of the Iraqi National Professor Ibrahim al-Baghdadi hello the guests esteemed and was led by Dr. Ali Al-Dabbagh, spokesman for the Iraqi government and Mr. Munther AMEER lion Director General for Customs and Dr. Saad Abdel Wahab, head of the Central Agency for Standardization and Quality Control The seminar was attended also a number of parliamentarians economic affairs specialists Abdulabas them broadly and Dr. Haitham Jubouri and Professor Ibrahim Rikabi and a large number of specialists of economic affairs, regulatory, number of members of the Iraqi National Business Council.

After the conclusion of his request of the President of the Council of the sponsor of the symposium Baltvdil to the presidency of the symposium where Aptdoha Dr. Ali Al-Dabbagh, praising the efforts of the National Business Council of Iraq through the diligence to address the problems that are the Iraqi economy in general and the private sector in particular to develop the solutions and come up with recommendations of interest to every seminar and terms of reference , Al-Dabbagh also stressed the importance that the aim of the seminar to the Iraqi market in terms of interest to every individual Iraqis.

Then said Dr. Ali Al-Dabbagh Munther AMEER provide their own thing from a brief explanation of the customs tariff, where said Munther AMEER that Iraq is the only country that does not have the tariff Kmarkip This negative signal on the structure of the state, the Iraqi part of any customs tariff is in support of the national economy through added it provides to the budget and related also the decision to join the WTO as it is considered one of the important elements in the protection of national products, as well as protection for the consumer and the purpose of the customs tariff is to account for more than they are represented now as a percentage of the budget that is currently estimated at 3% of the value of the budget It is considered very low.

Dr. Ali Al-Dabbagh said in his speech, after thanking Warner for this clarification that there is blame largely on the Ministry of Planning, referring to Saad Abdul Wahab, head of the Central Agency for Standardization and quality control and allow him to Laidlaw what Bjabth began to Saad Abdul Wahab an outline brief historical terms explained that a standardization was established in 1979 and includes sections including the issuance of specifications for the goods and materials and monitor these standards and there is a committee of gold and patent and Control Section weights and machines laboratory according to the terms of reference, as explained that there are ports, land, air and sea of the duties of a standardization to examination by contracting with well known international companies and energy testing the device standardization is 1500 check every month and there is also a device depends on the standardization laboratory official and semi-official accredited to cover the daily flow is estimated that 1300 material daily.

Then started the questions and discussions and questions about the vocabulary of many on the law of customs tariff or terms of standardization and quality control to reach stages hot was transparency and openness in the propositions and answers which intervention Baghdadi in response to the accusation by some to the business was in response to an explicit and realistic when he said that corruption exists in all sectors upon which to build pillars of the economy in state institutions and the private sector.

Founding member of Haitham al-Asadi eighth symposia Council as represented by the ways in clarifying the pros and address the negatives but said through his experience that Iraq required a higher number of documents in its circuits, professional and wondered: Why do not you state institutions concerned with helping and providing facilities in the proceedings, as well as to do to set up projects Alkmarki campus facilitator.

General Union for cooperation in the intervention through their representatives have confirmed that the problem where the application of the law and procedures in it. Dr. Saad Abdul Wahab said that the cancellation of the contract with the Swiss SGS is the adoption of many certificates do not comply with the specifications and also made it clear that there is no substitute for testing!!.

Mr. Haitham Jubouri stressed the need to apply the law and through the impact of legal violations that clearly on the poor class and also was the cause volatile currency and led to the entry of large quantities of goods, especially non-conforming to specifications. Member of Parliament Abdul-Abbas Xiaa (ECA) said the aim is to protect local product and the application of the law as one way to achieve social justice, so attention must be paid customs tariff. Dr. Ali al-Dabbagh can not be applied customs tariff under the phenomenon of idleness.

E Hamdiya dry (President of the Board of Directors of the Bank of the Iraqi trade) where is the local product??, And that the legislative power into account the imported products and building the foundations of correct and supportive of the industry to make way for Iraq to have a (local product).

Baghdadi, there must be balance logical between the importer and the domestic product and the private sector to implement the law to put the line begin to import good material, the there are thousands of goods entering the country for illegal methods and in the presence of shortening in the possibilities, there is no competition and border Moanie a place of quarantine for example, does not There is a quick check of the materials and refrigerated warehouses and stores neither those unusual.

Founding member Dargham surgeon wondered surprising runs of the economic process in Iraq?? Is it worth the Iraqi citizen maximize the resources at its expense?? Everyone knows that the Iraqi individual has suffered more than thirty years of war, siege, and now still suffers from a lack of services.

Concluded Dr. Ali al-Dabbagh Symposium bis thanks and gratitude for its National Business Council of the Iraqi diagnosis of the negative aspects experienced by our country’s economy and simultaneously pulled by the residents of this symposium to represent successes in a row by shining a light on the economic issues concerning the country and citizens are steps on the road correct.
