Abadi adviser for the economy: speculation on the currency affected the price and must monitor

Abadi adviser for the economy: speculation on the currency affected the price and must monitor

Posted, 15/03/2015

Abadi adviser for the economy - speculation on the currency affected the price and must monitorBAGHDAD / .. assured Prime Minister Dr. adviser. The appearance of Mohammed Saleh, Saturday, that speculation on the currency affected the level of prices in the markets, as he emphasized the need for there to be monitored by the competent authorities on the speculation.

Saleh said, in a statement to “Ein Iraq News,” the speculation going on in the currency markets weighed on market prices where they are at the expense of the Iraqi economy unconsciously by speculators and motivated, pointing out that “the formation of prices is affected by the exchange rate and this will be a big part from the effects of speculation on the currency. ”

Saleh stressed that “administrative solutions may not be successful to the issue of speculation but it must be noted and monitored by the competent authorities in order to be there to keep the exchange rate in the Iraqi market,” .anthy / 5
