“Wi-News” published the final results of the elections

“Wi-News” published the final results of the elections: 94 seats Maliki chest .. 33 .. 31 .. Najafi Hakim Allawi .. 30 19

2014/5/17 03:51:00 PM

Iraqi GovernmentBAGHDAD / Wi-News got “Wi-News” on Saturday, the final results of the elections of the Iraqi parliament, which showed for the coalition of state law on 94 seats, followed by the Sadrists and united and citizens. said a senior official in the Office of the elections, on condition of anonymity, for “Wi-News , “” The Commission ended the counting of votes, and reached the final results of the parliamentary elections for Iraq in 2014, “adding that” the final results showed the progress the coalition of state law in the whole of Iraq by winning 94 seats, followed by the Sadrists Bakoaúmh three and winning 33 seats, then united under the leadership of Osama Najafi with 31 seats and the citizen, led by Ammar al-Hakim with 30 seats, while the dissolved National List led by Iyad Allawi, in fifth place by obtaining 19 seats. , and between the official coalition of Arab led by Saleh al-Mutlaq, won 12 seats and virtue got 7 seats, and reform to 6, while the Alliance won civil 5 seats. revealed about the progress of the Democratic Party counterparts Change (Curran) and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) in the Kurdistan region, with 22 seats, followed by Curran 17 and then the Patriotic Union of 12, while the seats went eight Other Islamic Party of Kurdistan and the lists of other small. was likely the spokesman strengthen the Democratic Party lead over the Kurdish parties because he got the other seats in Kirkuk, Diyala and Mosul. increased to 32 seats went to the blocks and small entities, such as a coalition of Iraq and a coalition of the state fair and a coalition of alternative and a list of competencies, and the Kurdistan Alliance in some provinces. explained that some of the complaints were restored by political entities, and some of the decisions of the Commission on some of the funds have been challenged by political entities, expected to be resorting to more appeals to put pressure on the Commission to restore some of the results of counting. official said Commission in connection with the completion of this appeals to announce the final results tomorrow evening or Sunday morning, the day after tomorrow. Mustafa Nasser
