Mutlaq and Allawi are calling for the United Nations to “reset” the elections and terminate the services of Kubler
Mutlaq and Allawi are calling for the United Nations to “reset” the elections and terminate the services of Kubler
Palm – demanded the list of dialogue and construction led by Hamid al-Mutlaq and a coalition of Iraqi unified national led by Iyad Allawi, on Monday, the United Nations to “cancel or re-” local elections, the day before yesterday, in the country, due to recording many of the violations, while invited her to end services President of the mission in Iraq, Martin Kobler’s “lack of impartiality and neutrality.”
Said Hamid al-Mutlaq during a press conference with the deputies of the coalition, the Iraqi National Unified Headquarters Accord Movement in Baghdad that the government bears the above election of political performance, which represent بالتناحر and the performance of a government unable to tackle corruption, bribery and delivery of services and inability to achieve national unity, in addition to targeting more than 14 Iraqi activists and some Iraqi MPs on Airport Road and Ameria cafe bombing two days before the election.
He said al-Mutlaq to exploit the power of public money and wheels-governmental organizations and other possibilities in the elections is imperative that we investigate and put points on the letters, saying that, following the results of the election will request the Secretary-General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon cancel the elections or returned in conjunction with the general election under international supervision, and terminate the services of their representative in Iraq Martin Kobler and conduct a full investigation of what happened in the field of elections.
He Mutlaq that the current government has failed its inability to stop the bloodshed and respect for human rights and absorb unemployment street in Nineveh, Anbar and management of elections, calling for the formation of a committee of the political blocs to discuss what happened before and during the elections and review the imbalance in the performance of the Electoral Commission.
Mutlaq said that the “Kobler failure in a lot of tasks, including the violation of human rights and we have a lot of remarks about his performance, especially after the praise of the elections,” stressing, “We are not sure of its performance and his integrity, Hyadtah, do not want him to continue his duties.”
The coalition, the Iraqi National Unified led by Iyad Allawi criticized, on Sunday, (April 21 2013), “breaches tragic” that marred provincial elections and influenced the course, while carrying bodies “government and the UN and oversight” responsibility for it, he accused the security forces to “intimidate citizens and promoted for the benefit of certain blocks “, and predicted that this would lead to” a new crisis. ”
Was described as a coalition of state law, led by Prime Nuri al-Maliki, Sunday, (April 21 2013), the local elections as “successful”, attributing the cause to the departure of U.S. troops, which sought “to win” the leader of the Iraqi List, Iyad Allawi during the previous parliamentary elections, as called for politicians who “Azaalon the more than dissatisfied”, to learn from the Iraqi people how to participate in the elections.
For her part, a spokeswoman for the coalition in Iraq National Maysoon during the conference that breach the first record in the provincial elections is deferred in the provinces of Nineveh and Anbar, without legal justification or constitutional because the law emphasizes conducted in all governorates of Iraq, usually that the postponement of the elections in those two provinces marginalization and exclusion of the components of the two provinces. ”
Damluji explained that “the other rags is targeting the Iraqi List, where candidates cited the 15 candidates and activists were being investigated in these assassinations.”
She Damlogih “doubts for declared by the Commission which is 50% because the institutions, non-governmental organizations that participated to supervise the conduct of the elections gave less than this percentage in Baghdad, where they announced at three o’clock noon on the day of universal suffrage that the percentage of voter turnout in Baghdad did not exceed 18% How can become 38%, according to the announcement by the Commission. ”
The Electoral Commission of Iraq announced, the first on Saturday, (April 20 2013), from the end of the process of universal suffrage in the 12 Iraqi provinces and displaced in the provinces of Anbar, Nineveh and Kirkuk, “asserting that the percentage of participants in all the provinces elected amounted to 50%, with an eye to that Salahuddin province recorded the highest proportion of 61%, while the registered capital Baghdad بقسميها Karkh and Rusafa lowest participation rate reached 33%.
With refuted my organization sun and July competent to monitor the elections, on Sunday (21 April 2013), the proportion of voters announced by the Independent Electoral Commission in Iraq and confirmed that it did not exceed 46%, but pointed out that أعددا voters amounted to 6.4 million out of 13.8 million voters, in when he spotted “more than 300 violation,” pointing out that the most important was “to influence voters, especially illiterate” and the exploitation of governmental mechanisms in the promotion of certain lists in polling day.
He attacked the cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, on Sunday, (April 21 2013), the Iraqi government’s inability to protect its citizens and provide the atmosphere appropriate for the elections, and carry the responsibility of “reluctance” of citizens to participate in elections, as he emphasized that some participated in the elections for “holding the last thread to save Iraq. ”
The Sadrist movement led by Muqtada al-Sadr, on Sunday, (April 21 2013), that the local elections witnessed by the country yesterday, was “successful in terms of principle,” and stressed that the intervention delayed for religious authority “did not address the reluctance of voters to participate”, as he expressed his concern falsification of the election results, he noted that some UNHCR staff still live the culture of rigging votes “for sectarian or partisan reasons.”
He called on Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, on Sunday, (April 21 2013), all the winners in the provincial elections to carry out their responsibilities the new, and stressed that the people “is watching us and يراقبكم and punished from short right,” while pledged that the government will be of help to the winners of the new in the performance of their duties and the success of their plans to serve their provinces, noting that “the elections were successful and that the Iraqi people accept them carefully, despite skepticism skeptics and the threats of terrorists.”
As announced Tammuz organization to monitor the elections, the evening of the first on Saturday, (April 20 2013), for monitoring their monitors provide State of Law coalition led by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, the election in the province of Dhi Qar, his rivals a large margin, according to preliminary results of the counting of votes, indicating The other four blocks competing for second place.
And carrying citizens and observers of the entities election, the first on Saturday, (April 20 2013), the Electoral Commission responsibility to deny many citizens the opportunity to cast their ballots and the responsibility of their papers to the right of fraud, stressing that they moved between center and another Kadhin hours of fruitless searching, and that their hopes ended close fifth ballot boxes in the evening, without Asbgua the fingers Balbnevsja.
It urged the United Nations Mission in Iraq, the first on Saturday, voters on broad participation and voting confirmed that there is no democracy in Iraq without elections, and while she acknowledged that the elections will not solve all the problems in Iraq, but stressed that there is no solution to the problems without elections, and commended Commission procedures in the organization of the electoral process, saying that “the ink very good” and that procedures are in place, according to international standards.
And participated in the process of universal suffrage for the provincial elections 12 Iraqi provinces, where the number covered by the ballot about 13 million and 800 thousand voters, but those who participated are six million and 447 voters cast their ballots in 5190 polling stations and 32 102 polling stations, as well as the provinces of Kurdistan and Anbar, Kirkuk and Nineveh that will allow them to vote for the displaced from the provinces to participate in the elections, while competing in the elections, 139 political entities and coalitions with the participation of 8275 candidates.