3-21-2013: Iraqi Dinar Guru guesses!!!

3-21-2013: Iraqi Dinar Guru guesses!!!

3-21-2013 Intel Guru Delta They have given Iraq all the way to the end of this month to increase and release the rate. They got the green light to move forward. I was told they got the rate as well but it was not imparted to me. But I was told they did in fact get the new rate and the IMF approved that rate! The rate already exists but we don’t know what it is. Only certain people know what it is. We don’t know the date and rate. The budget will trigger this new rate!

3-21-2013 Intel Guru Delta You won’t see this in an article. Remember when the IMF met with the delegation from the MoFinance and MoPlanning; the IMF got ALL of the final accounts for the previous year from Iraq and they have given their blessing to Iraq and they are happy about it! Remember before you can release the new rate they had to have an audit from previous years for all the accounting aspects. Likely from 2003 – 2012. When they met in Jordan, the IMF approved everything.

3-21-2013 Newshound Guru Breitling These guys are moving forward, they are passing laws that need to be passed. Do they have a little bit more to go, absolutely. But if you look at what they have passed, it’s remarkable. It’s a winning game plan. They have to go through a process. There has to be a good result. It’s very simple, they have to build their infrastructure. If they don’t build their infrastructure correctly, it will hurt them. They are not going to sabotage their own economy. In the meantime, it will start pipping up. The procedures are happening right before your eyes. Let’s just see where it goes.

3-21-2013 Newshound Guru Breitling There is no date set for the revaluation. They are going through policy. They are actually stopping the selling of the dollars and it is actually causing the value of the dollar to go up a little bit. Sooner or later that will stop and they will switch to the dinar and the usage of the dinar will cause it to pip up. There is no date for that. It’s call behavioral economics. The markets themselves will pick when it will go up. That doesn’t mean there won’t be a hard revaluation coming up, IMO, I believe that definitely will happen.

3-21-2013 Newshound Guru Adam Montana [If a worst case scenario were to happen…would the Kurds produce their own currency? Then is it probable to have a Sunni/ Shiite currency only?] I don’t think it will happen, in fact I think it’s more likely that the entire region would go to one currency before they would split up and use a different “Kurdish” currency. Also, since the “Kurdish” region is so hard to define, they don’t even technically have their own “country”… it would be really hard to do. I don’t think they will be leaving Iraq.

3-21-2013 Intel Gurus Terrence Keller & Amaddan major contractors that are doing construction paid today at $7.42 in Iraq…has been confirmed. hearing constantly showing up at different WF screens at $7.24. supposedly RV’d a few nights ago… it is being traded as a commodity on trade screens at forex… had heard this, heard it would happen 24-48 hours before showing at the banks…so that has been going on the past days…enhanced security around CBI going on.

3-21-2013 Newshound/Intel Guru Flashing In fact for those who say that this is the same as in other years…let me tell you that you are totally wrong. In previous years Iraq had not paid the debt of Kuwait Airways, had not reached a settlement in international courts with regard to that issue, had not reached significant agreements on other items and had not worked in the borders markers as is being done now ( with a deadline of March 31, 2013), had not reached agreement on certain maritime items, etc. As I have said previously this rv is tied to chapter 7 . In my opinion the best window for our rv will start on March 31, 2013.

3-21-2013 Newshound/Intel Guru Flashing As you know the freezing of assets as well as other measures are used against the aggressor countries that pose a threat to world peace and security. Definitely the fact that KPM has on its agenda to remove Iraq from Chapter 7 sanctions is exciting. Consequently all
significant items for international peace and security have been done or are being worked on by both parties and such agreements should be finalized during the visit of Kuwaiti PM. If we consider that in addition to this, on May 22, 2013 the sanctions over frozen funds will be lifted, we are definitely in the best time of our investment.

3-21-2013 Newshound/Intel Guru Flashing Article: “Kuwaiti Prime Minister in Baghdad next month to discuss removing Iraq from Chapter VII” another excellent article which let us know how great is our near future. the agenda of the KPM [Kuwati Prime Minister] is very promising for our purposes. It includes a number of issues that are directly related to Chapter 7 and showing other joint business between the two countries allowing us to deduce that the relations between the two sides are very good. One issue is how to remove Iraq from Chapter 7 sanctions.

3-20-2013 Intel Guru Delta IMO, I do not feel we will have much waiting & IMO, we have a 50/50 chance of seeing a rate change this week. the 21st is the first of spring and their Holiday [Islamic New Year] of Horus is taking place. Parliament will likely suspend everything next week to allow everyone vacation time for celebrating the New Year…next week will be HOT! HOT! HOT! Tuesday thru Thursday! 26 – 28th!!!

3-20-2013 Intel Guru Delta On the 7th Parliament approved the budget. The constitution states that he will have 15 days to ratify the budget. But the 15 days start when he “receives” the budget. The President of the Parliament delayed sending the budget for 10 days. We know whomever is in charge of signing the budget into law, ratifying it now has it and there should be no further issue with the budget. Technically he has until the end of the month to sign the budget legally. If he doesn’t sign it, it still becomes law after 15 days and will be entered into the Gazette.

3-20-2013 Newshound Guru Adam Montana [please explain forex pros. Is the iqd being traded ? MARCH 14,2013 READS 1148.15. MARCH 17,2013 1151.25. SOME SAY NO.WHATS YOUR OPINION?] forexpros tracks trades and keeps up with the IQD – I don’t know why they list it when it’s not being traded, but they do. Do not rely on forexpros as an indicator of the IQD being traded.

3-20-2013 Intel/Newshound Guru Poppy3 [Poppy u think we are within 3-4 weeks of RV?] I THINK IF ALL GOES WELL IN THE NEXT TEN TO 15 DAYS WE COULD SEE OUR BLESSING BUT THAT IF IS A BIG LITTLE WORD.

3-20-2013 Newshound Guru Stryker It sure looks like to me that April is the month that will see Iraq finally emerge from the infamous Chapter VII, see the 2013 Fiscal Year Budget [will] be released after it gets officially posted in the Gazette this month. With Executive Order 13303 expiring May 22, the tariff’s and other laws about to be implemented and parliament coming back in session on the 26th the end of March is sure to bring some interesting results my friends.

3-20-2013 Newshound Guru Mountainman 2 days in a row, 2 separate articles saying next month Iraq may be out of Chapter VII. Now if that isn’t progress, I don’t know what is. If we believe that the United Nations doesn’t want to lose this bargaining chip without first guaranteeing that Iraq moves forward with going international then I’d say even the most skeptical people would agree this is looking pretty darn good moving forward.
