Iraq has become able to play its pivotal role in the Arab League

03/30/2012 0:00 

Talabani receives a number of Arab leaders 
BAGHDAD – Al Sabah 
said President Jalal Talabani during a meeting with a number of Arab leaders and guests who came to Baghdad to participate in the work of the Arab summit that Iraq has become “able to play a pivotal role in the university,” referring to the role of Iraq’s leadership is important in activating Arab solidarity. 
 Vkdastqubl Talabani yesterday morning, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on the sidelines of the Arab summit. …and across in a press statement received “morning,” a copy of it: “welcomed the presence of Ban Ki-moon in Baghdad and attending the Arab summit twenty-third, which embraced Iraq.” 
and through the UN Secretary-General from his part, very pleased with the visit has known on Baghdad from the ground has seemed to develop a more stable, secure and organized and sophisticated than it was in his previous visits, which was used in which the helicopter to move because of security conditions associated with those visits. 
The Ki-moon: “I am really happy today in Baghdad, a safer and more effective and vital to organize such a forum the great Arab.” 
He stressed the importance that Iraq regains its important role, both regionally and internationally, and to help in its interaction positive with its Arab, regional and international community in general. . , Noting that success in organizing and hosting this summit is an important milestone in this path, and continue to work together and understanding between Iraq and Kuwait help in raising the seventh item. 
and thanked Talabani, Secretary General of the United Nations on his feelings warm, and confirmed the readiness of Iraq’s full cooperation both with the organization International or with its neighbors and to help in achieving stability and progress and development. He said: “We expect all the support and backing of the Secretary-General and the United Nations to help Iraq restore its natural state, and we hope that we are liberated from the number / / 7 with that number being optimistic it.” 
During the meeting dealt with the situation and political developments in the Arab region. And Talabani at the end of the meeting, an invitation to Ban Ki-moon to visit Iraq, and promised to Ki-moon meeting them, 
as Talabani said Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, said Iraq was and remains a strong supporter of the Palestinian cause and the struggle of the Palestinian people in order to achieve its objectives. ” 
and welcomed Talabani in a press release received the morning a copy of it yesterday after his meeting with Abbas, the day after the Arab summit with President Abbas and wished him a pleasant stay in his second Iraq, noting that participation in this summit will contribute to its success on the one hand and provide a suitable platform for the development of close ties between Iraq and Palestine. ” 
For his part, Abbas, “The the Arab summit in the new Iraq, gives a clear signal to the keenness of his brothers the Arabs in order to strengthen the status of Iraq and its leading role in his family Arabic. ” 
and also received at the headquarters of the Arab summit in Baghdad, the President of the Council of State in the Sultanate of Oman head of delegation to the summit, Yahya Mundhiri. 
It was during the meeting confirm the importance of the success of the Arab summit, which comes in the exceptional circumstances in the region and their countries and expressed concern for the development and strengthening of relations between the two countries, which serve the common interests of the peoples of Iraq and Oman. 
carried Talabani Mundhiri greetings to Sultan Qaboos and his wishes to the Sultanate further progress and well-being. 
also received Talabani thanked of Sultan Qaboos and his wishes health and happiness to him and the success of the Arab summit which embraced Iraq and Talabani had received yesterday the first President of the Republic of Sudan Omar Hassan al-Bashir. 
and the price of Talabani, the presence of President al-Bashir personally to preside over his country’s delegation to the Arab summit, stressing that his presence would contribute effectively to the success of the summit of Baghdad hand, and the impetus to strengthen bilateral relations between Iraq and the Republic of Sudan on the other. 
 He pointed out that Iraq has become a country is able to accomplish much on the Arab and regional levels, and lead in this important stage of its pivotal role and historic in the Arab League as a founding presidents have contributed throughout history in supporting the Arab issues, including the central issue of Palestine and remained always within the framework of the Arab consensus. 
 and highlighted the latest developments in Iraq, pointing out that Iraq cut a long way towards the construction and progress at different levels, and continue to work actively to promote national unity, where the president said that Iraq a country of many religions, sects and ethnic groups in this case is in need of national consensus, which makes it a state more power to contribute in spreading peace and democracy and stability in the region. 
 For his part, President Al-Bashir his thanks to President Talabani, expressed his happiness to visit Iraq, and his participation in the Baghdad summit, adding that the summit the twenty-third in Baghdad is a beginning and a new start for this brotherly country after many difficulties had been experienced by. 
 said President Al-Bashir: “We are delighted our presence in the new Iraq, which is the heart of a nation alive and capable of his history and his leadership to strengthen the position appropriate to his family, Arab and regional contexts,” said “We are keen to Iraq and its people and its support in all areas and respect the choices of the Iraqi people.” 
 and hoped that this visit is a step in the consolidation and deepening of bilateral relations between the two countries, praising the important role played by President Jalal Talabani in the new Iraq and reuniting his people and to maintain its national unity and improve the its relations with Arab and regional states and the world. 
also met Talabani on the same day, Somali President Sharif Sheikh Ahmed and his accompanying delegation. 
 welcomed the President of the Republic Somali President and hoped that his visit to Iraq, the beginning of the establishment of better relations between the two countries and open up broad prospects for bilateral cooperation, noting support Iraq Permanent Representative of Somalia to solve the problems and recover its unity and stability. 
 For his part, thanked the President Sheikh Ahmed, President Talabani for the warm welcome and generous hospitality, expressing his pleasure for holding the Arab summit conference in Baghdad, wishing the success of this summit and take over Iraq’s leadership role in the Arab world, especially the Iraq has always been supportive of President of the Arab issues in all areas.
 He said the Somali president to his country’s desire to promote and expand the horizon of cooperation with Iraq and to serve the common interests of both peoples. 
and Talabani had received before, “he said Tuesday night,” the President of the Republic of the Comoros federal crown Znin which heads his country’s delegation to participate in the Arab summit twenty-third. 
 At the outset of the meeting, welcomed Talabani, President Znin and wished him a pleasant stay in Baghdad. 
 He said he hoped to visit that represents the beginning of strong ties, stressing that the new Iraq wants to promote its relations with the Arab and Islamic countries and to ensure the best interests of all. 
 For his part, the President of the Comoros thanks and gratitude to President Talabani for their warm welcome and generous hospitality, stressing his country’s keenness to promote and strengthen the bonds of friendship and cooperation with Iraq. 
 President Znin the Republic of the Comoros is keen to ensure the success of the Arab summit twenty-third, indicating that holding such a big event in Baghdad will give Iraq a major role and important role in Arab and Islamic world as well. 
 and the President of the Republic of the Comoros to call President Talabani to visit the Comoros, where he thanked His Excellency the President at home, stressing that he will meet the call at the earliest opportunity. 
 received the Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation Professor (Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu) and the delegation accompanying him. 
Talabani said that the Arab summit in Baghdad, a significant shift in the new Iraq and its role in the Arab and Islamic family .. Which shed light on Iraq’s relations with his surroundings the Arab and Islamic world and the importance of the enhanced these relations in the light of developments and events in the region. 
 He pointed out the importance of coordination and joint action between the Arab League and the Organization of Islamic cooperation on the harmonization of positions on issues that concern the Arab and Islamic world, adding that Iraq, as in Previous instrumental and important in this organization, and continues to provide aid and support the full in all areas that promote work and strengthen solidarity. 
and during his talk about the changes in the region pointed to the importance of the transition to democracy in come out of the political and economic system consistent with the transformations taking place in the world contemporary lives of globalization, pointing out that unless the values ​​of democracy and rule of peoples will not be able to deal and take advantage of globalization and its implications. 
and thanked Professor Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, President Talabani for their warm welcome and generous hospitality .. And expressed his delight at the convening of the summit in Iraq and hoped to embrace Baghdad is also a conference of the Organization of Islamic cooperation, saying: “Iraq is his stature distinguished Arab and expressed in this summit is to gain a place growing in the Muslim world as well.” 
also received Talabani, a message from Algerian President Abdulaziz Bouteflika. 
 This came during a meeting with His Excellency Baghdad, President of the National Assembly Abdelkader Ben Saleh, who heads his country’s delegation to the Arab summit. 
 At the outset of the meeting, the transfer of Bin Saleh greetings of President Bouteflika and his wishes for Talabani good health and happiness and the Arab summit success to serve Iraq and the Arab nation as a whole. 
 and by the President wished further progress and the good of the people of the Algerian people.He said: “The historical ties strong between Iraq and Algeria, and the desire to present to work together to develop those relationships help to strengthen the relationship and Trchinha between the two countries, which is a cooperation between the two pillar of joint Arab action, which flows for the benefit of everyone and to serve the two peoples and the general of the Arab peoples.” 
 For his part, Chairman of the Board Algerian nation that he and the delegation accompanying “Here in Iraq for the success of the summit and for Iraq to regain its leading role regionally and internationally, and that reconciles the summit to achieve the desired solidarity and promote joint action .. We are also here in order to send messages to Iraq and to all the brothers and friends, we are opening a new page of relations with Iraq and its people. ” 
 He explained that the return of the Algerian Ambassador is one of the indicators of this development in the relationship between our two brotherly countries as the Algerian Finance Minister will visit Baghdad soon , where there is more than one file open and in helping to promote cooperation and joint action between Algeria and Iraq. as Talabani said that the relations with the sisterly Egypt is the subject of interest and keenness of all Iraqi politicians in different orientations, as is the interest of the Iraqi people in general. 
 This came during a meeting with Minister Egyptian Foreign Amr Mohamed Kamal head of his country’s delegation to the Arab summit. Talabani said that the important thing now is the implementation and development agreements that took place between the two countries and strengthen cooperation in various fields so as to contribute in the service of the common interests of both the two brotherly countries, Iraq and Egypt, but throughout the Arab countries. 
 also wished the President of Egypt and its people all the progress and prosperity on the road to democracy and economic well-being, saying: “Egypt is the largest of the problems and difficulties, and are able to promote, which is the rise of the nation as a whole .. And that any offer to Egypt is progress for the Iraqis, where limitless us of the relationship with Egypt. ” 
 and the transfer of the Minister Amr to Talabani Greetings Field Marshal Mohammad Hassan Tantawi, and wishes him good health and wellness, and for the Arab summit to be held in Baghdad peace every success to serve the Arabs at this historical juncture sensitive. 
 The minister said, commenting on the interview Talabani said relations between the two countries will witness the developments and work actively in order to improve them in various fields, “noting in this regard that a large delegation of the Arab Republic of Egypt will visit Iraq soon to give effect to agreements, development and payment relations between Iraq and Egypt to the advanced level. 
 and Download President Talabani and Egyptian Foreign Minister Marshal Tantawi greetings to him personally and his wishes of good health and success and the people of Egypt all the best and the progress and well-being. 
also received a special message from the President of the Republic of Yemen Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi. This came during a meeting with Foreign Minister of Yemen Abu Bakr al. 
 and the transfer of the Minister the greetings of President Hadi and his wishes of good health and happiness to President Talabani. 
 and across Talabani expressed his thanks and gratitude to the Yemeni President, also expressed his desire for Iraq to develop and strengthen relations with the Republic of Yemen and with other Arab countries and to achieve common goals and interests and enhance the opportunities for cooperation, construction and progress in the region which is witnessing significant shifts. 
 said in his interview with the guest and the delegation accompanying him that Iraq, the Government and people, looking forward and working for Iraq to be in the position it deserves, both as a state institution of the League of Arab States or including available by the potential at the political, economic and human help in completing this role is hoped, which flows in favor of Arabs as a whole and the region. 
 In this context, Talabani said that Iraq policy is now based cooperation and work with everyone without axes or sensitivities, and to enable it to perform its due role in promoting solidarity and joint Arab action, and we hope that everyone will cooperate for these goals that we all seek. 
 For his part, Minister Abu Bakr al-warmest congratulations to Iraq, the Government and people for success in organizing the Arab summit and to prepare excellent her organization significant to note the participating delegations. . the minister said: “Now we were sure that there is stability in Iraq, and that this experience helps us to hope as we face the challenges in the conditions of terror and violence, such as those encountered. But your success opens approved and fostered hope. ” President Talabani and held the minister Qirbi greetings and thanks to the President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi .. and best wishes to the Minister and the accompanying delegation a pleasant stay in Baghdad for peace.