Zebari responds to Maliki’s statements on the Kurds: live in a dream world you have to read well

Zebari responds to Maliki’s statements on the Kurds: live in a dream world you have to read well

Sunday, July 23, 2017 at 15:52 pm

Zebari responds to Malikis statements on the Kurds - live in a dream world you have to read wellBaghdad / Sky Press: m

The leader of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, led by the President of the Kurdistan region, Hoshyar Zebari, on Sunday, an attack on the leader of a coalition of state law, Nuri al-Maliki, indicating that he lives in a world “imaginary” and must read well.

Zebari said in an interview with “Sky Press” that “the Kurdish people of Egypt to hold a referendum on the independence of the province, and there is no tendency to postpone the process.”

“Maliki is living in another world that has nothing to do with reality. He must read the Charter of the United Nations well and review the international conventions,” Zebari said, referring to statements made by Vice President Nuri al-Maliki, pointing out that the Kurds have no right to secession.

“We will visit the five permanent members of the Security Council, the Arab states, Iran, Turkey and Baghdad,” Zebari said as he met with the Supreme Council for the Referendum.

“The objective of the committee’s visit to these countries is to convey the message of Kurdistan about the referendum and its reasons, as well as the technical preparations for the referendum, which is part of the diplomatic plan drawn for the next stage.

As for the position of the countries on the referendum process, Zebari said: “No country has objected to the principle of holding the referendum except for Iran, because it is a democratic principle and is the basis of democratic countries.

As for the support of the referendum, and then recognition of the independence of Kurdistan, Zebari said, “We have to seek for this, that is our tasks, which country can not support us in advance, we have to prove to them that the matter is serious and irreversible, and the whole world waiting for the results of the referendum and what will result, The results reflect the will of the people of Kurdistan and the unity of the Kurdish class, and that all components participate in it. ”

Kurdish President Massoud Barzani and the heads of the Kurdish parties held a meeting on June 8, 2017 amid the province of the Change Movement and the Islamic Group. The participants in the meeting decided to hold the referendum on September 25 next.
