Zebari is expected to soon exit Iraq from Chapter VII
On: Friday 16/03/2012 15:26
Al Hayat Saudi Arabia Friday, 3/16/2012 BAGHDAD – Jawdat Kazem expressed among Iraqi political comfortable to preliminary results, which resulted in about the visit of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki of Kuwait. Al-Maliki said after the conclusion of his talks with Prime Minister of Kuwait Sheikh Jaber Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah, agree on a settlement some outstanding issues, and praised the positive spirit to resolve what was left of them. said in a statement received «life» a copy of it, that «the Iraqi and Kuwaiti sides agreed on the grounds and common frameworks to solve all the files through the agendas short time». predicted MP Abdul-Hadi al-Hassani, Iraq would emerge from Chapter Chapter VII «Soon, after Kuwait pledged not to stand without hindrance it». He said in a statement to «life», that «officials of the State of Kuwait pledged to the Prime Minister and the accompanying delegation not to oppose or block the action out of Iraq from Chapter VII, and this if followed as planned, Kuwait will prove to everyone that it is serious in resolving all the differences and files sticking with Iraq ». He added: «I think that the next phase will translate the successes that resulted from the visit of Prime Minister». , the Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari, achieving the «breakthrough» in relation to the exit of Iraq from Chapter VII, in addition to the «settlement good in relation to pillars border and financial obligations between the two countries », describing the talks, al-Maliki with the Emir of Kuwait Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, as« very successful ». to that, she called the Attorney high Nassif to »follow up the implementation of what was agreed upon by the Committee not be similar to commissions Back ». said in a statement received the «life» copy of it: «We are sure that al-Maliki has a strong will to resolve outstanding issues with Kuwait to ensure the best interest of Iraq, but the important part of his efforts to resolve these files is to follow the implementation of what was agreed upon during his visit , through the Commission does not have similar committees earlier, and that is follow up the matter of it personally if necessary ». For his part, the media advisor to the Minister of Transport Karim Nouri told «life», that «officials in Kuwait have expressed an overwhelming response with raised side Iraqi proposals for Halhh outstanding issues », said:« The two sides agreed to complete the deliberations between members of the Joint Committee which will be meeting soon after the end of the Arab summit conference in Baghdad, provided that the reservation proposals of the Committee on the resolution of those files the rights of peoples, in other words not resolved the issue in favor of a party at the expense of the other, and this includes all files of land border demarcation and water, as well as the issue of joint oil fields and other files ». and Port Mubarak Al-Kabeer, he said that »the talks dealt with all issues, including the port and the freedom of navigation in the Creek Abdullah, and will be sorting out things soon in line with the interests of both peoples ». but deputy «Iraqi List» Hamid al-Mutlaq, criticized the «bargaining at the expense of the interests of Iraq and the Iraqis». He said in a statement to «life»: «We refuse to compromise on one meter from the dust of Iraq, also reject the agreements are not based on respect for the rights of Iraqis and their sacrifices for the soil of their homeland». He added that «this does not mean we stand deduced from the government’s attempts to resolve the differences and files outstanding issues with neighboring Kuwait, but what we aspire to do is preserve the rights of Iraq as a whole ». and spokesman for militia «Regiment 9 Badr» Abu Abdullah Muhammadawi, that the decision to take up arms against what he described as «excesses Kuwait» depends on the outcome of Maliki’s visit. The group announced in a statement its intention to take up arms against Kuwait on the background of the controversy around the port of Mubarak. The Muhammadawi in a statement, said that «the outcome of Maliki’s visit to Kuwait will determine the possibility of Joina to force or not to re-right the Iraqi usurped its neighbor Kuwait». He added: «We hope that the Kuwaiti officials to be their decision stems from the mentality of a mature and open a new page with Iraq in the interest of the two brotherly peoples, away from the logic of superiority over others ». differences on the transfer of trial attacks modern Anbar to Baghdad Baghdad – Uday Hatem varied positions of the people of Anbar province’s decision to eliminate the transfer of trial accused of «crime modern» to Baghdad. In deputies said the day before yesterday that the decision «selectively raises doubts» and threatened civil disobedience, said «Anbar Salvation Council,» he «and hundreds of tribal leaders demanded a trial in Baghdad accused terrorists because they are released from the prisons of Anbar against bribery». But the House of Representatives called for trial the perpetrators of recent attacks in Anbar or Salaheddin, stressing that «the people of the province will continue to demonstrate, if not prosecuted offenders in one of those two provinces». and MP for the «Iraqi List» Ahmed Alwani during a press conference held at Parliament House with a number MPs from the Anbar province the day before yesterday that «the recent attacks committed in the Anbar province and arrested perpetrators in salads and this should be tried in Anbar or Salahuddin», adding that the deal justice with this case transferred to Baghdad «a selective and raises doubts and misgivings». He added that « Supreme Judicial Council has not transferred the case raised against the Vice President Tareq al-Hashemi that any double standards ». but the Judicial Council confirmed yesterday that the «took the decision to move the trial can not be changed». The spokesperson for the Council, Abdul Sattar Bayrakdar that «the decision to move the trial of the accused incident terrorist, which occurred in the district of recent published and will be tried in Baghdad». , gunmen driving a SUV signs of Interior Ministry forces attacked earlier this month with automatic weapons and hand grenades, the headquarters of regiment emergency police The checkpoints of the army, and houses belonging to the security elements, in the district of modern western Anbar province, killing 28 members security, including the Deputy Commandant of the rapid reaction Colonel Mohammed Relax with, Captain Khalid Sabri. The president of the Council «Anbar Salvation» Sheikh Hamid al-Hayes requested trial in Anbar as «campaigning early and bidding is only a political». He told «life» that «Salvation Council and hundreds of tribal leaders in the province are demanding prosecution of the accused in Baghdad because they think it will be a fair trial and will take the perpetrators just punishment». He added that «the terrorists and criminals are freed from the prisons of Anbar and not change their statements as being terrorism witnesses to change their testimony in exchange for money », adding that« not a guarantor of the non-firing the perpetrators of the Haditha massacre if they stay in Anbar ». He pointed out that «the al-Qaeda and terrorists, the Arabs are freed after arrest, and the security establishment in Anbar infiltrated so we want their trial in Baghdad, because we trust the Iraqi judiciary and his integrity is not questioned in that only the corrupt or the owners of the goals the patient ». U.S. forces published misleading information about the Mosul Airport Mosul – Abdul Wahid Tohme accused the director of the Mosul airport Sardar Hassan U.S. troops that were taken by a military base deployment of data and information across the Web «misleading and is not encouraging for airlines », The« high number of passengers through the port of air after the withdrawal of Americans from it and open new lines «, called in remarks to the» life »airlines to reduce ticket prices, especially domestic flights. Hassan said in response to a question about the lack of transmission lines at the airport in Mosul, said that «the American troops that were stationed in which the end of 2011 was broadcast misleading information and incorrect him on the web, through the newsletter world, prompting the majority of airlines to want to deal with us on the grounds that their information about the airport is not encouraging». The «reached the actions of the American officer in charge of the airport to the degree of non-published telephone numbers of the Iraqi administration, or even e-mail us and put in place of his phone number and personal e-mail to prevent any attempt to contact us». He added: «we used the airport during the presence of U.S. forces together 150 thousand square meters, just out of 3825840 meters even atheist th of October (October) 2011, the date of departure and we receive the site and there is still about half a million square meters occupied by the leadership of Nineveh ». and on the problems faced by his administration in the development of the airport said that «the Americans left behind large amounts of earth mounds and concrete barriers and buildings temporary Oncaoha at the airport and have a problem in removing them ». He pointed to a rise in the number of flights and passengers after the departure of U.S. troops from the airport and said: «we recorded a remarkable increase in the increase of flights and passengers, especially after the receipt of the Iraqi administration« . and transmission lines to and from the airport and flights that have been made, said «lines are with Dubai until November (November 2009) achieved 111 flight on the line of Istanbul until mid-January (January) the past, the 39 flights, with the Oman 99 flights between November 2010 until May (May 2011), and to Mecca to perform Hajj and Umrah in 2010 and 2011 were 208 flight ». called »airlines including Iraqi Airways to reduce fares to attract passengers. Barzani criticizes the central government and refuses to hand over al-Hashemi Arbil – in the name Francis declared President of Kurdistan Region Massoud Barzani refusing to hand over the Vice President Tareq al-Hashemi to be tried in Baghdad, accused the federal government of trying to «in the case involving the Kurds». Barzani said during a speech to the conference, the first for «Youth of Kurdistan» in Erbil yesterday that «the bulk, which was completed in Iraq, the fruit of the sacrifices of the Kurds, not Amanana one gave us rights, but, unfortunately, misconceptions and intentions is clean with some parties want to show the central government strong as in the past and that the Kurds are still in the mountains, sometimes called us rebels, and sometimes other sector methods », and confirmed that the Kurds« are partners in the government, and Baghdad is the capital of all Iraqis and not belong to any party ». Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki has been criticized by officials Kurds, a press statement after the beginning of the month in which the «obtained by the Kurds in Iraq denied to their peers in both Syria and Turkey and Iran», he added that «the difficult separation of Iraq’s Kurds will not serve them». The Barzani: «If our rights are the one’s in Baghdad, we do not want it, and if he wants to insist on that will defend them», pointing out that «the people who showed up in Baghdad and put in mind what we achieved territory or Arogahm that they are failing they could not apply it in other parts of Iraq, and they want to become like them ». Turning Barzani to disputes over oil contracts, said that «all contracts signed by the province of law, and the problem does not lie in the fact that legal or not, but that they do not want to develop the Kurdistan region, But we will continue our policy of oil ». On the other hand, Barzani said: «We will not give al-Hashemi, and this act is not of Shem Kurds, the issue is double, political, judicial, and we refuse to leave al-Hashemi in the form of a secret, and if so it will leave in the form of public , as Vice President of the Republic », calling« the Iraqi National Congress before the Arab summit in Baghdad, in order to avoid problems in the dialogue between Iraqi parties to get out of the political crisis ». Turning to the changes taking place in the Middle East, said that «the world is witnessing variables fast, particularly in the Middle East, so we prepare and everyone to know that the right of self-determination is guaranteed, we do not accept the one that gives us this right », and pointed out that« the stage of the weapon is over, now is the time of logic and understanding a way that enables us to reach our ».