Zebari for “public opinion”: US foot-dragging was one of the reasons the Russian armament request

Zebari for “public opinion”: US foot-dragging was one of the reasons the Russian armament request

05/21/2015 11:30 GMT

Zebari for public opinion - US foot-dragging was one of the reasons the Russian armament requestBAGHDAD – and babysit – said to the parliamentary Committee on Foreign Relations member Abdul Bari Zebari, on Thursday, the US reluctance to arm Iraq was one of the reasons to go to Russia for military support.
Zebari said in a statement to “public opinion”, “The US reluctance to arm Iraq was one of the reasons to go to Russia to arm the country.”

“It is wrong to the country’s dependence on a single source in their relations, whether military or Awalaguetsadah energy and transport.”

He met with Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi today in Moscow with his Russian counterpart Dmitry Medvedev, Mr., where they held a meeting solo, before Arosa joint meeting attended by members of the two official delegations.

He said Russian Prime Minister support the Iraqi government and the country’s readiness to develop the capacity of Iraqi forces from the army and police, referring to the importance of activating the Russian Committee of Iraq in the areas of military and technical, economic and other fields of cooperation.

For his part, Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi “We attach great importance to the relationship with Russia and look forward to developing cooperation on military and technical level and the fight against terrorism, economic and cultural affairs, cooperation and energy and transport.”

The prime minister Haider al-Abadi, went on Wednesday evening (May 20, 2015), to Russia on an official visit to look for sources of reinforcement and activation of arming reluctant decades.

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