Zebari expressed appreciation for the efforts of the “UNAMI” to remove Iraq from Chapter VII
Zebari expressed appreciation for the efforts of the “UNAMI” to remove Iraq from Chapter VII
The meeting saw the research activities of the UN mission in Iraq and the keenness of the government and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to facilitate the task and work internationalist mission within its mandate and in coordination with the Government
He Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari, on Monday, expressed his appreciation for the efforts of the United Nations Mission (UNAMI) to remove Iraq from Chapter provisions of Chapter VII, as discussed with the Deputy Secretary General for Political Affairs Jeffrey فليتمان diplomatic efforts to convene a conference of Geneva II for peace in Syria .
The Foreign Ministry said in a statement obtained “obelisk” a copy of it on the sidelines of a meeting with Minister of Foreign Affairs with فليتمان that “Zebari expressed his government’s appreciation for the support of the General Secretariat of the UN’s efforts to remove Iraq from the provisions of Chapter VII, and fulfill Iraq’s international obligations all.”
He added that “the meeting saw discussed the activities of the UN mission in Iraq and the keenness of the government and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to facilitate the task and the work of the mission within its mandate internationalist and coordination with the government.”
He said he had “discussed the latest developments of regional and international diplomatic efforts to convene a conference Geneva 2 for peace in Syria and the upcoming nuclear talks between the Security Council and Germany and Iran.”
The Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari announced that the Security Council vote on the resolution (2107) completely out of Iraq from Chapter VII and partly not, noting that the Iraqi side of understanding every word coined in the Security Council resolution.