Zebari attend the annual meetings of Arab financial institutions in Kuwait

Zebari attend the annual meetings of Arab financial institutions in Kuwait

07/04/2015 11:27 GMT

Zebari attend the annual meetings of Arab financial institutions in KuwaitFollow-up – and babysit – participated Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari, in the joint annual meetings of Arab financial institutions in the State of Kuwait.
According to a statement of the Ministry, on Tuesday, the agency received reports of public opinion (and babysit), a copy of the “Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari, and the delegation of the ministry and representatives from the Central Bank, participated today in the joint annual meetings of Arab financial institutions in the State of Kuwait.”

“The minister and representatives of the ministry in the participating Arab Association meetings to ensure the Investment and Export Credit, and the meetings of the Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa also participated in the Arab Fund for meetings of the Economic and Social Development in the meetings of the Arab Authority for Agricultural Investment and Development.”

“The minister held a number of side meetings with Arab ministers and officials involved,” he said, adding that “the meetings of the Arab financial institutions to continue on April 7 to 8, 2015″. Q, Q
