Zebari and the Committee on Economic Affairs discuss ways to tackle the financial crisis
Zebari and the Committee on Economic Affairs discuss ways to tackle the financial crisis
14/06/2016 17:10 pm (Baghdad time)
BAGHDAD – balances News
Search Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari, on Tuesday, with the Committee on Economic Affairs ways to tackle the financial crisis.
A statement by the Information Office of the Minister received / balances News /, a copy of the “Zebari presided over the economic affairs committee meeting at its seventh meeting on Tuesday with the participation of Minister of Planning and Central Bank Governor and Chairman of the National Authority for Investment and senior Finance Ministry officials and the Director General of the Legal Department of the General Secretariat.”
He added, “The meeting dealt with the review before the Committee ministries issues and ways to address the economic and financial crisis to maximize the resources of the state to overcome the current financial crisis.”
The statement said that “the Commission has taken a number of decisions related projects for a number of ministries,” .anthy 29/9 P