Zamili criticizes the frequent visits of US officials to Iraq

Zamili criticizes the frequent visits of US officials to Iraq

23.7.2015 6:15 p.m.

Zamili criticizes the frequent visits of US officials to Iraq[Baghdad – where]
criticized the Chairman of the Commission on Security and Defense of quitting, Thursday, frequent visits by US officials to Iraq, in what was considered that the recent visit of the Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter unwelcome nor in the interest of security and stability of the country.

He said Zamili in a statement received by the agency all of Iraq [where] a copy of it, that “what is going on from frequent visits to official figures or informal US occupation to Iraq is not conducive to positive results, which is not welcome.” felt Zamili “The US occupation is counting on prolong the war on terror through the statements that Atalha between now and then, some say that the war will drag on for three years and another says five other say twenty years, “noting that” the real purpose of the length of the war on terrorist groups is to control the oil resources and the division of Iraq In order to keep the security of the Zionist entity. ” He called Zamili “occupation the US fulfill its promises and treaties made ​​with Iraq earlier, by providing intelligence information and provide aerial photographs and the concentration of strikes on terrorist groups, as well as to speed up the processing of Iraq arms and ammunition contracted.” End