WTO working on completing the application file Iraq!!

WTO working on completing the application file Iraq!!

The time on Monday, 04 March / March 2013 10:04 | |

Baghdad / Orr News

Sent the WTO a range of inquiries and requests to the Ministry of Commerce to modify file Iraq’s request to join the organization.

The general director of economic relations in the ministry Hashim Hatem “The organization has sent a set of questions and requests to modify file انظمام Iraq to the organization, the detector that” the most important questions that received Taattalq tables tariff according to the Harmonized System, which operates the Organization consisting of ten figures. ”

He added “We are prepared tables within the Harmonized System which was released in 2002, which consists of eight figures, and asked the organization to work on a modern system consisting of ten figures add another digit tariff.” He pointed out that “the ministry is now working with Customs to amend the tariff according to what was stated by the organization or to continue on the old system,” explaining that “there is no response from the concerned departments requests and questions the WTO.”

The WTO requires commitment باتفاقياتها and pledge the state wishing to join the signing of the Accession Protocol includes approval of the application of all WTO agreements.

According to head of the International Federation of businessmen Iraq Hamid punitive “There is a need for Iraq’s accession to the World Trade Organization because of its great advantages for the development of the national economy and the promotion of it.”
