Within two days… a new political movement to resolve the final alliances

Within two days… a new political movement to resolve the final alliances

2022-01-01 07:44

Within two days... a new political movement to resolve the final alliancesShafaq News/ A political source revealed on Saturday that the leader of the Progress Alliance, Muhammad al-Halbousi, will meet with the Sadrist bloc soon or within the next two days, which will be matched by a move from the coordinating framework towards the Azm alliance led by Khamis al-Khanjar to hold a similar meeting and determine “loyalties”.

The source told Shafaq News Agency, “Individual meetings will be held by the leaders of the two Sunni alliances (Progress) and will be headed by Al-Halbousi, indicating that the latter will meet with the Sadrist bloc soon, or perhaps within the next two days at the latest.”

The source indicated that Al-Halbousi will discuss entering into a strategic alliance in harmony with the aspirations of the two parties and the mechanism for implementing those ambitions, explaining that the leader of Progress sees the Sadrist bloc as supportive of him in his quest to win the presidency again, in addition to his support for the Sadrist bloc’s candidate for prime minister, which is limited, according to the latest information, to three people from Among them (Mustafa Al-Kazemi, Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi and Jaafar Al-Sadr).

The source added, “On the other hand, the coordination framework with the Azm alliance led by Khamis al-Khanjar will hold an expanded meeting during the next two days to determine the latter’s position on the alliance with the coordination framework or not, indicating that the last movement will determine the map or features of the political scene and the quality and form of political alliances.”

The source explained, “The Sadrist bloc has strengthened its parliamentary seats through the joining of some small forces to it, adding that according to the information, the number of its representatives reached 85 seats, thus enabling it to achieve comfortable dialogues with Sunnis and Kurds, although the latter needs more assurances about meeting its demands.”

It is noteworthy that the Sadrist bloc had obtained 73 parliamentary seats in the recent elections and started its movement in light of its results in an effort to form a Sadrist government, according to the statements of the leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr.

In addition, an alliance led by former Parliament Speaker Muhammad al-Halbousi is awaiting what the negotiations will lead to within the Shiite house (the coordination framework with the Sadrist bloc) to determine the path of its future alliance in forming the government and naming the people of the three presidencies.

The winning deputy from the Alliance of Progress Fahd Al-Rashed told Shafak News Agency, “His alliance is waiting for the Shiite house to agree on a unified discourse and a unified bloc, explaining that his alliance is close to all Sunni poles, whether Kurdish or Shiite, regardless of their orientations, but the closest remains “who fulfills our demands or It harmonizes with our orientations,” he said.

Al-Rashed added, “We are moving towards forming a strong strategic alliance that advances the reality of the country in general, especially since the situation needs an awakening or revolution to correct the course of the political process from the accumulations of the past.”

He continued, “We are with the bloc that meets our demands, which is summarized in supporting the restoration of confidence in Parliament Speaker Muhammad Rikan Al-Halbousi again, along with the aspirations and desires of the citizens of the western provinces and the allocations for reconstruction, as well as bringing about balance in all the joints of the state to ensure justice,” noting that most previous governments did not meet promises to the Sunni spectrum, and we hope that the next government will achieve this.”

The elections that took place last October revealed the victory of a coalition that advanced with 37 seats.
