With the exception of the Sadrists… Al-Maliki’s house hosts an important meeting that includes the winning forces in the elections

With the exception of the Sadrists… Al-Maliki’s house hosts an important meeting that includes the winning forces in the elections

2021-10-23 02:40

With the exception of the Sadrists... Al-Malikis house hosts an important meeting that includes the winning forces in the electionsShafaq News/ An informed political source revealed, on Saturday, that the house of the head of the State of Law coalition, Nuri al-Maliki, will host a new meeting tomorrow, which includes all the winning forces in the elections, except for the Sadrist movement.

The source told Shafaq News Agency that all political forces, not only Shiites, will hold an important meeting tomorrow, Sunday, at the home of the leader of the State of Law coalition, Nuri al-Maliki, in the capital, Baghdad, to discuss political developments and appeal the election results.

The source explained that all the political forces that won the elections from the Sunnis, Shiites and Kurds, will attend the meeting, with the exception of the Sadrists.

The source pointed out that the Sadrists could not attend if they were invited.

Last week, al-Maliki’s house hosted a meeting of Shiite forces affiliated with the “coordinating framework”.

The coordination framework includes most of the Shiite forces in Iraq, with the exception of the Sadrist movement.

The political forces affiliated with the framework had objected to the preliminary results of the early parliamentary elections after losing many seats.
