Why Shabibi?

Despite being sacked in a way disgraceful not worthy of government that respects itself, I have no minimum sense of fear to put Central Bank Governor Dr Sinan Shabibi not on his future or his reputation professional and national gotta absolute confidence that the security in return for corruption charges against him, which amounted to a warrant of arrest and depose him as he represents the country at an international conference in Japan.

I say this because I am fully aware and convinced that there is a plan hellish behind the campaign on one of the highest national competencies and most integrity. I say this because I am very conscious of the happenings Aghbar time in which we live now in a political system can only be a deadly feud with Shabibi and his ilk of national competencies fair.

Our political system is based on quotas and compatibility, and who come to power when they came to the half-rule chairs certificates, and many of them forged certificates and documents, and Berba and competencies tenths experiences .. And tithes parts of the national. The rulers of this kind shiver Fraúsm and Ajavihm sleep presence of personalities from the pattern Shabibi in leadership positions.

I am not afraid to Shabibi, but trembling in fear on the youth of Iraq, of the university students, schools and unemployed graduates and the lucky ones who finally found jobs .. I am afraid they and I Otsourhm getting frustrated and Atdhaafon despair of the future of their country, which is their future with a system that does not shy away from oppression efficiencies country relying on reconstruction. Story Shabibi is the story of thousands of qualified and experienced national pariah in our state for benefit of stateless science and knowledge of forgers and thieves who came their quotas sectarian and partisan consensus and personal, Vzarroa ruin the country inherited from Saddam’s regime in ruins seems as if not inextricably.

Do not fear the reputation Shabibi, A defamation campaign suffered before being sacked purpose was pressure on him to leave office for thieves adults.

Shabibi target time ago in the context of a government campaign comprehensive appended bodies and independent institutions the government in order to become tools in the hands and those who made it and thieves of public money who do not execute the means to secure what they want and to protect themselves and ensure the continuation of looting, and this means the removal of honest country from office and put it in the hands of their partners in “Aharmna”.

Unethical campaign Shabibi began three years ago after he sought to dismiss four of the bank officials involved with corruption in connection with a document gods power. And was met with such an endeavor to issue an arrest warrant is causing canceled interventions from the Presidency of the Republic and the United Nations Mission and some leaders of political blocs and the head of the Supreme Judicial Council, which was called upon by one order of note!

The renewed campaign two years ago after he refused to Shabibi request lend the government $ 5 billion claiming complete the 2011 budget, as it was his opinion that there is no justification for the loan, which will hurt the reputation of the bank and its performance, calling in contrast to the use of the surplus in the previous budgets to supplement the budget, a surplus estimated at more than loan amount required.

Has proven to be Shabibi was right, the government could not even spend the surplus from previous budgets, and the 2011 budget itself.

Who left the trade ministers, former defense and dozens of other top-thieves fleeing sentences including pregnancy overthrew Shabibi without them Square Central Bank prepared by the thieves of public money gate of heaven.
