Why Maliki will get is requested by the weapons of the United States

Why Maliki will get is requested by the weapons of the United States


Why Maliki will get is requested by the weapons of the United StatesPalm – saw the site telling Americans, said Tuesday that the United States “will not be processed” Iraq بالمنظومات martial art that request, but it may provide him with another defensive, despite the “suspicion” concerns of a number of members of the U.S. Congress about the intentions of the Iraqi prime minister, Nuri al-Maliki and his policy , and the effectiveness of sophisticated weapons which “insisted” ordered against aggregates “terrorist.”

The site said UPI news the U.S., in the analysis published today, said that “a man of strong Iraq, Nouri al-Maliki, will not get Apache helicopters offensive nor aircraft march, which insisted on U.S. President Barack Obama, to get them in order to enhance the strength of Baghdad in its struggle against al-Qaeda” , and expected to “get Maliki to other defensive systems, despite uncertainty concerns of a number of members of the U.S. Congress.”

The Web site, that “Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki sought during his visit to Washington last week, to put pressure on the Americans to accelerate the delivery of Iraq’s 36 aircraft Lock Head Martin F-16, to enhance the capabilities of its security forces,” adding, “but American officials do not expect to be for these aircraft so essential role required against agile groups and small, fast movement, al-Qaeda militants or suicide bombers. ”

The news Web site, that “due to the fear of Washington obvious than a mile-Maliki to the uniqueness of power, and the failure of his government’s Shiite, the involvement of other components in the judgment, since the withdrawal of U.S. troops in December 2011 the past, does not seem to Iraqi Prime Minister has received attribution excited during his recent visit to Washington which comes two years after the withdrawal of U.S. troops. ”

And saw the site UPI, that “al-Qaeda after he was reluctant, he began to regain their forces following the departure of U.S. Iraq, and began to mount deadly attacks against Baghdad, where the death toll to more than seven thousand people during the year 2013 the current, just,” and expressed “fear that this would lead to the outbreak of another civil war in Iraq. ”

The site, that “a group of members of Congress أفصحوا expressly for not responding to requests Maliki access to Apache helicopters and missiles, Hellfire air – the land, and urged him instead because making a greater effort to prevent the transfer of weapons to Syria through Iraqi airspace,” pointing out that ” Maliki is expected to receive a set of advanced U.S. weapons systems and other military equipment in addition to transaction F-16 aircraft requested by Baghdad, and is expected to be processed in the next year 2014. ”

It is noteworthy that the Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki visited Washington DC, last Wednesday, (30th October 2013), at the head of a ministerial delegation and Parliament, on an official visit Astgrt four days, overshadowed by aspects of security and the Syrian file, at a time when Iraq is going through its worst security disorder since 2008, and only two weeks before the second anniversary of the withdrawal of U.S. troops from him.

Al-Maliki, said in a (second from November 2013 now), that Iraq is awaiting approval by the U.S. Congress on the outfitted aircraft without a pilot, and Apache and (F-16), while between he briefed members of Congress on the paramount importance of such weapons “to break the backbone of terrorism , “expressed the hope that they” had convinced the country needed it, stressing that the contract “will take a long time.”

He also stressed the U.S. president, Barack Obama, during his meeting with Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, in (the first of November current), the need to take Iraq “further steps towards building a democratic system comprehensively resolve differences through politics, rather than violence,” While between Iraqi forces in dire need of additional equipment to carry out operations against al-Qaeda, particularly in remote areas, showed al-Maliki, wanted Baghdad to buy a weapon U.S. “as a way” to strengthen ties with Washington, stressing his commitment to “strict laws and rules of the American organization to use it.”
