White House: It is not Saudi Arabia’s interest to destabilize the global economy

White House: It is not Saudi Arabia’s interest to destabilize the global economy

19.04.2016 9:43

White House - It is not Saudi Arabias interest to destabilize the global economy[Where – Follow – up] the
White House expressed confidence that Saudi Arabia will not go ahead to carry out the threat he talked about a news report the sale of US assets if Congress passed a bill may exhibit Kingdom responsibility for any role in the September 11 attacks in 2001.
The New York Times reported on Friday that the Saudi foreign minister , Adel al – Jubeir told deputies Americans that his country will be forced to sell treasury bonds worth up to 750 billion dollars and other US assets if Congress passed the bill.
He said Josh Ernest White House spokesman said US President Barack Obama The bill does not support and that he will not sign it . The draft law that allows the prosecution of the Saudi government prosecuted in US courts for any role in the September 11 attacks.
He said Ernst told reporters : “I am confident that the Saudis recognize as fully acknowledge the common Bmsalehtna in maintaining global financial stability of the system.”
Obama , who travels later this week to Saudi Arabia , has said he opposes the bill because the United States could expose judicial proceedings of citizens in other countries.
Obama said in an interview with the station (CBS News) television on Monday : “If we opened the possibility that members of the the United States can routinely sue other governments , we then also open the way for the prosecution of the United States constantly from people in other countries. ”
