White House hosts petition to charge former Prime Minster al-Maliki as a “war criminal”
White House hosts petition to charge former Prime Minster al-Maliki as a “war criminal”
A Whitehouse.gov petition to charge former Iraqi Prime Minister al-Maliki with “War Crimes.”
(IraqiNews.com) The White House official website contained a petition to prosecute the former Iraqi Prime Minister, Nuri al-Maliki as a war criminal.
The White House published in his site a campaign to collect signatures, which stated that “IRAQI PEOPLE DEMAND JUDGMENT NURI AL-MALIKI AS A WAR CRIMINAL AGAINST HUMANITY BECAUSE KILL & DISPLACE SUNNI CIVIL PEOPLE”
The site indicated that the “demand comes against the backdrop of the killing and displacement of a million Sunnis Iraqis by the army of Maliki”, as described.
The White House hosted this referendum on its official website, to collect signatures, to include the topic on the agenda of President Barack Obama, if the referendum skips the barrier of 100,000 signatures.
Maliki declared on Thursday (14 August 2014) his support for designated Prime Minister, Haider al-Abadi, and the withdrawal of the lawsuit he had brought against the President Fuad Masum through the Iraqi Supreme Federal Court.