White House collection of 20 000 signing so far for the trial of al-Maliki

White House collection of 20 000 signing so far for the trial of al-Maliki

22 August 2014

White House collection of 20 000 signing so far for the trial of al-MalikiFollow-Iraq-Presse -22 August / August: The White House continues its campaign to collect one hundred thousand signatures to prosecute Prime Minister outgoing Nuri al-Maliki on Atercbha crimes against the Iraqi people opposed to his policies and his regime.
He pointed out the official site for the White House that he got nearly twenty thousand signatures until now.
The publication of the White House in his campaign to collect signatures, which he said, “The Iraqi people Maliki calling for the prosecution as a war criminal perpetrator of crimes against humanity.”
The site noted that “the claim comes against the backdrop of the killing and displacement of Iraqi Mellon of the year, before the army of al-Maliki”. On the recipe.
It is worth mentioning the referendum began in the twenty-seventh of last July, and will continue until the twenty-sixth of August now.
This being the White House referendums on his official website, to collect signatures, to include the topic on the agenda of President Barack Obama, in the event of a referendum skip the barrier of 100 000 signatures.
The activists called on the Iraqi social networking site to actively participate in the vote for the trial of al-Maliki within the international publication of the referendum on the White House Web site.
The activists said: “The Iraqis in the province of Kurdistan and outside Iraq to vote on the trial of al-Maliki internationally through participation in the referendum, the White House on the subject.”
The activists said the Iraqis that the reason behind the lack of override vote until now fairly quarter of the vote is necessary interruption Inter Net networks in the provinces of marginalized politicians and anti-Maliki “Ended (1)
