White House calls on private sector to help refugees

White House calls on private sector to help refugees

1/7/2016 10:50

White House calls on private sector to help refugees{International: Euphrates News} called on US President Barack Obama’s administration, corporate America, to help the refugees who have become part of a global crisis has seen the displacement of 65 million people, many of them because of conflicts and armed conflicts.
The White House said in a statement that the administration is seeking help from the private sector with regard to education, employment and enable refugees to become self – reliant.
The United States plans to the government to accept 85 thousand people this year, according to the announcement by the White House.
He criticized some leading Republicans, including Donald Trump candidate for the US presidency, steps US President Barack Obama to bring refugees from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan to the United States, the excuse security concerns.
it is scheduled to host Obama, September 20 / September next summit on refugees at United Nations headquarters attended by countries that have pledged leaders to provide a great response to the calls of the United Nations regarding provision of humanitarian aid to refugees.
The United Nations High Commissioner for refugees ( UNHCR ) that among the total number of displaced 21 million across international borders and registered Klajian.anthy
