White House: Biden discusses with al-Maliki and Barzani, the development of relations between Baghdad and Erbil

White House: Biden discusses with al-Maliki and Barzani, the development of relations between Baghdad and Erbil

Friday, July 12, 2013 12:32

White House: Biden discusses with al-Maliki and Barzani, the development of relations between Baghdad and Erbil[Baghdad – where]

Search U.S. Vice President Joseph Biden by telephone with Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and President of Kurdistan, Massoud Barzani, the development of relations and exchange of visits between Baghdad and Erbil.

A statement from the White House, “Biden congratulated the Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and President of Kurdistan, Massoud Barzani, in connection conducted with them all alone on the progress in relations between the two sides.”

The statement added that “Biden here the exchange of visits between the two sides, which reflects a significant improvement in relations between Baghdad and Erbil.”

The White House statement noted that “Biden discussed with both parties the prospects for achieving greater progress between the two reaffirmed the commitment of the United States to maintain a unified democratic and federal.”

He added that “U.S. Vice President praised the efforts made by al-Maliki to build neighborly relations اوطد especially what he achieved with Jordan, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, agreed with him on the need for greater cooperation against al-Qaeda under the terms of the Framework Convention strategy between Iraq and the United States, ahead of time the same congratulations to the owners and Barzani on the occasion of the holy month of Ramadan. ”

Barzani had visited Baghdad last Sunday at the head of government and political delegation to discuss files lingering in response to a similar visit by al-Maliki to Arbil, in the ninth of June and chaired a meeting of the Federal Council of Ministers there. Ended.
