White calls for Maliki to move without waiting for the government’s majority blocs reluctant

White calls for Maliki to move without waiting for the government’s majority blocs reluctant

04/07/2014 11:27

White calls for Maliki to move without waiting for the governments majority blocs reluctantBaghdad – and babysit – called white bloc, on Friday, Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and his coalition to move the political majority to form a government without waiting for the rest of the political blocs reluctant, pointing out that those blocks will be the reason for the delay in forming a government.
A spokesman for the bloc Aziz Sharif Mayahi in a statement received news agency public opinion (and babysit) a copy of it, that “the experience of Tuesday’s session the past, gave us all a clear vision about the fact that the parties that had exhausted the political process and sought to thwart the government is still continuing its approach.”

He added that “a coalition of state law to raise in his manifesto forming a government of political majority and Landry What justification today to retreat from this popular demand and the national program and wait for those parties to nominate their candidates,” pointing out that “there are national figures of Almkonyen Kurdish and Sunni possible coalition with them to form a majority government All national parties according to the directions of the reference and the national interest. ”

He Mayahi “the need to move the State of Law and al-Maliki in a majority government if they want to fulfill the audience who voted for them and not succumb to the pressure side,” adding that “Iraq is the most important and largest of those pressures and proponents of backed by foreign agendas.”

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