White bloc says it began to mediate between Maliki and the Kurds
05/04/2012 13:14
Baghdad, April 5 (Rn) – The mass white on Thursday, it started to move to play the role of political mediation between the State of Law Coalition led by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and the Kurdistan Alliance after the escalation of the differences between the two sides recent recriminations over oil smuggling.and floated differences Baghdad and Erbil again on the surface after it decided to Kurdistan to stop all oil exports from… the first of April April to protest non-payment of Baghdad receivables of foreign companies operating in the oil region. and evacuated accused Deputy Prime Minister for Energy and leader of the coalition of state law, Hussein al-Shahristani, the Kurdistan Region oil smuggling to Iran and Turkey. but the region denied the validity of that, the accused leader of the Kurdistan Alliance Farhad Atrushi day before yesterday, officials in the federal government of smuggling 150 thousand barrels of oil per day to Israel via Jordan. government says the region that Baghdad pay up to $ 1.5 billion as receivables oil companies producing in Kurdistan, while Baghdad agreed last week to pay nearly $ 560 million only. The Secretary-General of the mass of the white beauty of watermelon, told the Kurdish news agency (Rn) “We started the movement of actual to mediate between a coalition of state law and the Kurdistan Alliance in order to bring the views and prevent aggravation of the political crisis through the complex sum relationship between the parties. ” and added: “We met yesterday with figures prominent in the State of Law coalition are willing to show greater flexibility on some outstanding issues and have a desire to return to normal with respect to the relationship between the parties.” He watermelon saying ” it is hoped to hold a Thursday evening meeting with some of the leading figures in the Kurdistan Alliance to put the point of view of state law and try to bridge the gap in views between the parties. ” stressed saying, “We are confident that our mediation will contribute to a large extent in solving the political problems unresolved.” This is because file Oil stuck to the years where the government does not recognize federal contracts oil and signed by the Government of the Territory with foreign energy companies and says it is legal while says Erbil that Baghdad is trying to concentrate power in her hand on the management of oil wealth at the expense of the region and the provinces. and increased tension on the file between the two sides during the past months Having raised the contract signed by the Government of the Territory with Exxon Mobil, the giant American oil exploration in Kurdistan wrath of the federal government as well as a draft oil and gas law passed by the government in Baghdad but Arbil objected strongly. conducted by the Governments of Baghdad and Erbil, several rounds of talks on outstanding issues between them, particularly the the disputed areas and budget Guard Region “Peshmerga” The oil contracts, but they were not able to resolve them. From: Hossam Ali. Open: Abdullah Sabri