[Where] published the text of the law of judicial oversight body

[Where] published the text of the law of judicial oversight body

13/07/2016 14:11

Where published the text of the law of judicial oversight body[Where – Baghdad]
published by all of Iraq [where], on Wednesday, the text of the Judicial Oversight Authority Act.
According to a statement to the House of Representatives received by all of Iraq [where] a copy of “Based on what passed the House of Representatives and approved by the President of the Republic and according to the provisions of subsection [First] article [61] and item [III] of Article 73 of the Constitution “, issued the following law:
No. [] for the year 2016
Law board of judicial supervision
Article 1 constitutes the Supreme Judicial Council , a body called the Judiciary Inspection Department has a moral personality and is one of the judicial power components consist of a chairman and a vice-president and a sufficient number of supervisors judicial.
Article 2
First : Chairman of the board of judicial supervision shall be appointed by a presidential decree on the nomination of the Supreme judicial Council and the consent of the House of Representatives from among the judges of the first class and served as president of the Court of Appeals or the vice president of the board of judicial oversight or Musharraf ‘s court , who has spent the term of office of not less than 3 three years.
Secondly appointed vice president of the board of judicial supervision by decree Republican nomination by the President of the Supreme judicial Council and the proposal of the House of Representatives chairman of the board of judicial supervision of the supervisors of judicial judges of the first category who have spent in the Authority for at least two years.
Third appoints judicial supervisor nominated by the board of judicial supervision of the judges or public prosecutors from the first Awalthani cultivars and the decision of the Supreme Judicial Council.
Fourth , the Commission ‘s office in all appellate courts Federal , headed by a judge of first – class or second commissioned for this purpose.
Article 3 holds the body was the following tasks:
first – the control and supervision of the good performance in the federal courts except the Federal Supreme Court.
Second , control and supervision of the good performance in the public prosecutor device.
Thirdly censorship on the good the judges and public prosecutors judicial and administrative duties prescribed by law.
Fourthly assess the efficiency of the performance of judges and public prosecutors and to submit periodic reports so.
V. – the investigation into facts attributed to judges and public prosecutors that constitute a violation of the rules of judicial conduct , except judges of the Federal Supreme Court.
Sixth control over Hassan ‘s claim employees of the courts and the prosecutor ‘s Office of the non – judges and evaluation effort in carrying out their duties and to ensure that public money and alarm about the mistakes and cons and suggest treatment and ways to avoid them the diagnosis of elements distinct from between the two.
Seventh accomplish Mahristilh the Chief justice of the Federal Council / , a member of the House of Representatives or at one of the supervisors of judicial and according to law.
Article 4 first may not be the supervisor of the judicial discussion of the judge or public prosecutor in the subject is still before it or to direct a permit or Telmahallvsal it in a certain way.
Second , the supervisor of the judicial person shall be employed in the courts or on the premises of the public prosecution of non – judges and public prosecutors to the proper method to get the job done according to the law.
III of the President of the Federal judicial Authority and chairman of the Authority commissioned a supervisor judicial conduct investigation into any complaint and that she had made ​​from an unknown person when was that include facts worthy of investigation and submit its report this, and may Musharraf judiciary to do so if Maurdth such a complaint after the presentation to the chairman of the authority.
Article 5 of Musharraf ‘s judicial authority of the investigating judge at the his investigation of complaints.
Article 6
First Associates of committed board of judicial supervision, in addition to carrying out the tasks set forth in this law, the guards as things, information and documents that they have access by virtue of their duties or while doing these tasks if the confidential nature or fear of disclosure cause harm the state or the public interest or persons this remains standing commitment until after the end of their service.
Second Mnzboa body was committed to maintaining the dignity of the Authority and get away from all what triggers suspicion and mistrust them or prejudice career their behavior.
Article 7 formed by a decision of the head of the Authority of a committee of three three supervisors judicial holds Mayati:
First study supervisors judicial reports and the reports of the presidencies of the Federal courts of appeal and the headquarters of the public prosecution , which must be submitted each year and a statement of opinion stated in them.
ASSESSMENT efficient performance of judges and public prosecutors in the light of the reports provided for in item [first] of this article.
ASSESSMENT efficient performance of judges and public prosecutors in the light of the reports provided for in item [first] of this Article.
III accomplish what the President of the Authority shall refer them.
Article 8 distributes the work among supervisors magistrates on according to the plan developed by the head of the trade with its members at the beginning of each year and after the President of the Federal judiciary endorsement of that plan.
Article-9 of the Supreme judicial Council to take the reports of judicial oversight body at the consideration of all of the terms of judges and public prosecutors Kaltrgih and transport the Mandate.
Article-10 of the President of judicial oversight Commission if it is found him committing a judge or member of the prosecution error is serious to bring him a book with a call for not returning to like it in the future and be given a copy of this book to the President of the Supreme judicial Council and the Federal to the President of the competent Appeal or the chief prosecutor if it is for a member of the public prosecutor. as if the error is a grave or would affect the dignity of the judiciary at the head of the body that it is presented to the President of the Supreme Judicial Council , the Federal to decide what he deems appropriate.
Article-11 of the President of the Supreme Judicial Council Federal issuing instructions to facilitate the implementation of the provisions of this law.
Article-12 repealed supervision Justice Commission Act No. 124 of 1979.
Article 13 this law shall be from the date of publication in the official Gazette. the
for the changes taking place in the period following the issuance of supervising the Judicial Code No. 124 of 1979 for the purpose of keeping up these variables and compatibility with the new legislation and to ensure good performance in the Federal judiciary components of
this law was enacted
