When will the US election result be “officially” announced?

When will the US election result be “officially” announced?

11/08/2020 10:10:52

When will the US election result be officially announced{International: Al Furat News} Despite the congratulations showered on the Democratic candidate, Joe Biden, as the forty-sixth president of the United States of America, the official announcement of the arrival of the former vice president to the White House has not yet occurred.
And the major media in the United States announced Biden winning the presidency, considering that the current President Donald Trump can no longer mathematically compensate for the difference between them in the main states.
Trump rejected the results reported by the media, and said, in a tweet, “I won the election and got 71 million legal votes. Bad things happened, our observers were not allowed to see.”
According to the “PolitiFact” website, the media’s announcement of the winning candidate has no legal effect, as it is a mathematical estimate of the media by means of data collection tools.
The announcement of Biden’s victory in the election is only a first step in choosing a president for the United States, according to the country’s electoral system there is still a week-long timetable during which the 538-member Electoral College chooses the new president, according to the Associated Press.
On Safe Haven Day, states put the final touches to election results through a meeting of their electors, as the expected date will be December 8th.
As soon as the states officially endorse their results, Congress pledges not to veto the results, although there is some legal ambiguity on the matter, according to legal experts.
Before that, the candidate who challenges the result can request a recount, if state law does not provide for an automatic recount in the event that there is a nearby difference of votes, and the losing candidate can go to court to challenge the results of some states.
Trump’s campaign has actually started litigation procedures, and it said in a statement that the presidential election “has not ended” and that the allegations that his rival Biden has won were based on the results of 4 states “far from final results”, and expected Trump’s re-election for a second term.
The most important date is December 14, when state voters formally cast their ballots, until Congress adopts it in joint session on January 6.
And once the result is approved, the new president will take the oath on January 20 in the White House, which is the date of the official inauguration.
Despite this, the media announcement bears heavy weight in the candidate’s victory for the US presidency, and often pushes the other candidate to officially declare his loss and accept the result and congratulate the winning candidate, which is a custom that has not been done in this election cycle.
