What is the reality of the deep state in Iraq?

What is the reality of the deep state in Iraq?

03 November 2018 – 4:59

What is the reality of the deep state in IraqSince the middle of May 2018, following the parliamentary elections in Iraq and the worst political crisis since the US occupation in 2003, the “deep state”, by political leaders, members of Parliament, officials and observers of the political situation in Iraq, Crises.

This is not the first time. After every political problem that engulfs Iraq, or an imbalance that balances the interests of the parties, the term “deep state” appears and becomes a “charge” in which the political forces are involved. This raises questions about the existence of a deep state in Iraq and how it works.

“After 2003, the well-known Iraqi state was destroyed, and therefore the main pillars of the state ended and there are no more powerful centers in the country. After this history, I personally do not think that the state that was built permits the building of a deep state,” says the researcher on Iraqi political affairs. In the well-known sense. ”

“Yes, there is something that can be considered a deep state term but more fragile than other countries. In all cases, if we want to use the deep state definition of what is going on in Iraq, it can be said that it includes a network of people and political forces and corruption mafia that meet their interests together.

“The deep state in Iraq is not as strong as in other countries. If we compare the deep state role and external influence to what is going on in Iraq, the external influence will be stronger in the events industry than the deep state, so foreign will prevail. Foreign will also benefit from the deep state. ”

“So far, Iraq has not made itself a solid and powerful regime, the country is unstable, and the deep state is often engulfed in established states. So what is going on in Iraq is as close to Mafia as it is to the deep state in its well-known sense.”

Since 2005, with the Islamic Dawa party gaining power through Ibrahim al-Jaafari first and then Nuri al-Maliki with two states saturated with corruption, sectarian problems and sectarian tensions, Iraqis are looking for many answers to daily questions about security, political and economic crises that erupted without anyone knowing. how did that happen.

According to an official close to former Prime Minister Haider Abadi, the Dawa party led by Nuri al-Maliki is the founder of the deep state after the US occupation of Iraq, and the first to deliberately distribute his staff members of the party, in the ministries and departments of the state to facilitate the affairs of party members in case they need something. The Badr Organization, headed by Hadi al-Amiri, then entered the organization until the organization seized over time the majority of ministries, especially those affiliated with the Ministry of the Interior, from the passports, nationality and residence departments. And turned the staff into the owners of large sums of money because of the bargaining and bribes they impose on citizens, as well as the sale and purchase of appointments in security bodies, most notably the Directorate of National Security.

The same official explains that “the deep state has become on its current strength after 2008, and may have impact after the clarification of the mismanagement of Iraq, and if it were not for this why there has become a state operating in disguise.”

He points out that “the bad structure in the Iraqi state produced the deep state methods, and the intention is that there are departments operating under the table running the state, centers of power is not visible.”

It is estimated that “75 percent of state and Iraqi affairs are run across the deep state, by personalities and gangs drawn up by parties within official institutions.” He also points out that these “hidden forces have political support and legal cover, because they depend on real employees in the Iraqi state, but their actions are all for their interests and the interests of their parties.”

According to the same official, “many deals related to weapons and oil, which are between Iraq and other countries, first pass on the parties through the pawns in the ministries, and after studying the files that are supposed to be discussed by the minister concerned, the parties send their comments to the ministries to be part of the talks.”

“The deep state will not end in Iraq except with the withdrawal of all weapons from the hands of citizens, gangs and armed factions, and when all Iraqis are equal in strength and weakness, then there will be no deep state.”

Within the “deep state” in Iraq, there are political forces linked to parties that are already loyal to foreign regimes, most notably Iran, and security forces represented by officers loyal to their parties that have brought them to high ranks, as well as the “popular crowd” factions, which are working to overcome the difficulties facing some political entities . Officials in the form of directors, deputy ministers and advisers also control decisions passed within state administrations. The authority of some Iraqi officials in small government institutions is beyond the authority of cabinet ministers. The “soldiers” deep state in all joints of the Iraqi state to arrange their interests first and fight the interests of “enemies” II.

“The appointment of Iraqi employees in the form of a director general is not possible without the approval of the House of Representatives and endorses their appointment after discussion, according to Iraqi law. However, since 2008, Iraq has witnessed the appointment of more than 4,000 Director general and deputy minister and adviser, which is known as special grades, without any circulation in parliament, are passed through the parties to these positions, to work later to the satisfaction of the parties and meet what you need.

In his view, these are the “deep statesmen,” pointing out that “these employees are not capable of their work and are not competent, but the parties put them in order to pass the affairs of parties and their members, although most of the directors in Iraq are involved in cases of corruption and waste of money General, and some of them are older than the age and exceeded the legal limit of the law of retirement (63 years).

“The problem of the deep state will confront Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi, and the interests between Abdul Mahdi and the centers of power in the deep state may clash, which will lead to the elimination of Abdul Mahdi politically, so he should deal wisely with the soldiers of the hidden state and end it gradually, But he may not be able to stand up to it. ”

For his part, believes the leader of the National Coalition of Iyad Allawi, Hamed al-Mutlaq, “The politicians in Iraq failed to establish a strong government, they believe in irrational interpretations, including the creation of the so-called deep state.” For them, the politicians “failed all to reach the satisfaction of the Iraqi people and are not serious in building a strong state, and a real government that respects the law and hold the corrupt and open the outstanding files and return the lost Iraqi money.”

There are actually some informal and informal entities that have money and weapons and are linked to outsiders. The people know those who manipulate their capabilities, but the term of the deep state is used by some politicians to circulate it to blame. Other parties in administrative failure “.

Iraqi political analyst Hisham al-Hashemi said that “the deep state after 2003, strong arms of political parties, sects, nationalities and clans, which controls the administration, leadership and economy, and manipulates the contracts of the executive and legislative branches (government and parliament), and operates within the structure of state institutions. A state on the ruins of the dissolved circles of the former regime (Saddam Hussein’s regime). ”

He pointed out that “the deep state acts contrary to what is done by the regular state, which operates in accordance with the law and adopt transparency and integrity, and takes into account the principles of professionalism and career progression and creative competition, which are leverage and likely to take over the post.
