We will not be outside the game and we will form the largest bloc without Maliki’s coalition

We will not be outside the game and we will form the largest bloc without Maliki’s coalition

2018/07/26 13:44

We will not be outside the game and we will form the largest bloc without Malikis coalitionBaghdad today – follow-up

On Thursday, July 26, 2018, the Sawsan Alliance suspended the news that it had failed to form the largest bloc, while Hakim said it hoped to remove all obstacles to its formation soon.

“He who has large seats in the parliament is the one who will form the government, and another coalition is the one who will form the next government,” the newspaper quoted the leader of the coalition, Mohammad Rachk, as saying that “talking about putting others out of the game is inappropriate.”

“We have many problems with the state of law, especially in the formation of the government, they have no vision to build a state, and that is why we decided to be far from them,” he said.

The leader of the Alliance, who continue his speech, saying: “can be a coalition of state law in the opposition, and this is the policy, the government and the opposition.”

He said that “the dialogues conducted by the Alliance pass before the demonstrations reached advanced steps and real understandings with victory and openness and wisdom and patriotism.”

In turn, supports the stream of wisdom talk Rachk on the understandings, stressing “closer to the formation of the largest bloc, and that the issue of choosing the new prime minister will not constitute a major obstacle.”

“We have reached very advanced stages of negotiations and dialogues with the Shiite forces, as well as the Sunni and Kurdish,” and quoted the newspaper Al-Mada as saying that “the coming days will witness a remarkable development in the negotiations, especially with the end of the counting and sorting process” .

Al-Mayahi added that “the two months that preceded the dialogues, we put a mechanism and basis for the issue of the choice of prime minister, and this issue will not constitute a major obstacle to the formation or declaration of the largest bloc.”
