Washington will pay the salaries of the Peshmerga and we will participate with 50 thousand fighters

Jabbar Yawar: Washington will pay the salaries of the Peshmerga and we will participate with 50 thousand fighters to liberate Mosul

Posted, 15/7/2016 22:51

Washington will pay the salaries of the Peshmerga and we will participate with 50 thousand fighters to liberate Mosul[Oan- follow] the
Secretary – General of the Ministry of Peshmerga in Kurdistan Regional Government Jabbar Yawar, said the province will receive financial assistance of $ 415 million from the United States, to pay off the Peshmerga salaries, among the Peshmerga will participate with 50 thousand fighters in the liberation of the city process Mosul Daash of terrorist gangs.
And was signed by Minister of Interior and Peshmerga acting in the government of the Kurdish region in Iraq, cream Chenkali, on the first Tuesday in Arbil, a protocol on military cooperation, with US Assistant Secretary of Defense, Elissa Slotkin, stipulates that Washington provide political, military and financial forces Peshmerga aid, until the end of the war with Daash .
Yawar said in an exclusive interview with the agency , Anatolia, said that ” the United States will send the amount of $ 415 million did not specify a date] to push the Peshmerga salaries will be paid salaries end of this month and will continue US aid to this system to pay salaries of the Peshmerga on a monthly basis.”
he also added “grants and American aid comes as a memorandum of understanding signed by the two sides Tuesday, because the Peshmerga part of the war on terrorism forces , ” adding that “this decision was made ​​with the consent of the US Congress , who agreed earlier to provide part of the financial aid to Iraq for the Peshmerga forces and extended arms and military equipment and training for its members . ” .
Yawar said that ” the US government is now trained two brigades of the Peshmerga forces in Kirkuk and provide light and heavy weapons , food and all military supplies to them.”
Secretary – General Aallbeshmrkh stressed “it will be the continuation of the protocol until the end of the war with al” Daash. ”
on the participation of forces Peshmerga in the liberation of the upcoming Mosul operations, Yawar said that “about 40 to 50 thousand of the Peshmerga forces will be involved in the liberation of the city of Mosul operations on three sides are the west, north and east, while the ethnic forces advancing south of the city.”
He said Yawar , “Peshmerga participate effectively now in the liberation of Nineveh operations of Iraqi forces and support at the center of Qayyarah south of Mosul , “noting that” since the beginning of 2015 freed the Peshmerga forces several areas of Nineveh province , a Sinjar and Rabia and Zammar and bridging interfaces and parts of the Nineveh plain and other areas near the drunk and all of these subsidiary areas of the province . ” .
on whether the Peshmerga intends to enter into Mosul after its liberation, Yawar said “not in the interests of our troops in to the city of Mosul , the center, and we have no desire to advance to the city center, but if you asked us in to the city , according to the military operation requirements in coordination with the Iraqi security forces We will do that, but no doubt after the control of the city will go back to Tmrkzna points outside after the receipt of the Iraqi police and security forces office in the city. ”
and began to Iraqi forces by more than three – month military campaign from Makhmour southeast of Mosul, to restore those areas of the Daash and crawling toward the city.
Iraqi forces also opened a new front in the wake of the restoration of Fallujah Daash weeks before the attack on the strongholds of terrorists northern Salahuddin province, which forms the southern border of the conductor.
and achieved those forces made ​​rapid progress until Qayyarah air base reached and recovered last week from Daash, and intends to Baghdad ‘s use of the base as a springboard to attack the strongholds of terrorists in Mosul.
the Mosul , located about 500 kilometers north of Baghdad, the largest city is still in the grip of Daash both Iraq and Syria, the Iraqi government says it Ststaidha before the end of the year.
