Washington publishes “secret” evidence about choosing targets aircraft march

Washington publishes “secret” evidence about choosing targets aircraft march

08.07.2016 10:32

Washington publishes secret evidence about choosing targets aircraft march{International: Euphrates News} published the United States and was a secret document, called the “Guide” and reveal how American officials choose targets blows aircraft march outside the major conflict areas and the role of the American president in the process.
And publish {Federation , the American Civil Liberties} Saturday, the document , which is located in the 18 – page titled “Help presidential policy”, which include greater than those revealed by the government for approving the drone strikes procedures for details.
The document states that “any measures, including lethal action against specific terrorist targets, it must be selective and accurate as possible. ”
and suggest that” in the absence of exceptional circumstances, “can strike aircraft march in the event of a” quasi – confirmation “that it will not lead to the killing of any civilian, as It confirms that the United States respect the sovereignty of other countries when making a decision to launch similar strikes.
the subject every proposal to launch a strike illegal for the study before it displays on the national security Council and the president.
It is assumed that the US President Barack Obama agreed personally to launch strikes against people suspected of involvement suggestions terrorism stationed outside the war zones that the United States participate officially. One of these areas of Pakistan, Libya, Somalia and Yemen.
But the blows directed at areas of operations such as Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan , is supervised by the armed forces.
A spokesman for the National Security Council Ned Bryce said , “this guide” that includes the protection of civilians “bigger than stipulated in the law of war , ” noting ” the near certainty” of the existence of the target and not to fall to non – combatants in the strike is the “highest standard can be determined.”
he added that ” the President stressed that the US government should enjoy the greatest transparency with the American people about our operations to combat terrorism and the way in which it is taking place and their consequences . ”
he continued Pryce that” our anti – terrorism and effective legal and the best evidence of its legitimacy is to provide information for the Republic on the business and the development of standards to follow other countries. ”
the revealed document written off clips of them, after a complaint by the American Association for civil rights who is locked in a battle for a while long with the government on the march aircraft program.
he said assistant legal director ” of the American civil liberties Union , ” Jameel Jaffer said the evidence “provides crucial information about the policies that led to the deaths of thousands of people , including hundreds of non – combatants, about the bureaucracy set up by the administration to Obama to oversee the these policies and their application. ”
Justice Department lawyers were handed over on Friday evening this document to the Union , which published Saturday.
the Obama administration released last month , estimates of the number of victims of the 473 strike took place between 2009 and 2015 outside the major conflict areas.
the officials confirmed that between 64 and 116 civilians were killed in strikes , along with a number up to 2581 fighters, but opponents have questioned these figures and said that the government reduce the number of civilian Alguetly.anthy
