Washington: It’s hard to Iraqi Prime Minister next important political affiliation was not to deal with us

Washington: It’s hard to Iraqi Prime Minister next important political affiliation was not to deal with us

Author: BS
Editor: BS 06/26/2013 16:02

Washington: It's hard to Iraqi Prime Minister next important political affiliation was not to deal with usRange Press / Baghdad
The United States of America, on Wednesday, that it is difficult for the Iraqi prime minister next whatever “political affiliation” not to deal with the U.S. administration, and indicated that Washington will have a way to deal, especially if what happened this matter, stressing that its policies in Iraq based on support for democratic institutions and not support the people.
The U.S. ambassador to Iraq, Stephen Beecroft said in an interview for a number of media, including (range Press) that “talk about the possibility of rejection of the Iraqi prime minister next deal with the United States being the one hand, refuses to deal with it is a matter of theoretical,” noting that “choose any personality for the job return to the Iraqi people. ”
Beecroft said that “the United States will have a special way to deal with Iraq if Iraqi Prime Minister refused to next deal with it,” and underlined that “it is difficult for the Prime Minister of an important country like Iraq not to deal with the United States.”
Beecroft noted that “U.S. policy in Iraq is based on support for democratic institutions in this country do not support certain figures.”
The powers and political analysts speculated that begins Sadrists thinking as prime minister after the end of the second session of the president of a coalition of state law, Nuri al-Maliki, in 2014, with forecasts to be an alliance chest – Hakim gate to assume the personality of the current prime minister, while likely others have alliance Sadr and its proximity to the “year” in Baghdad and Diyala giving him the presidency of the Council in the capital of the list are united and retain Omar Humairi list of Iraqi Diyala position of governor for a second term support my chest Unlike lists other Shiite, another element in the willingness of the Sadrist movement alliance with the bloc united, which is Sunni power is notable for its the impact expected on the upcoming elections in support of “Sunni” for a candidate mainstream next prime minister, especially after the “success” of records for the Alliance of al-Sadr and al-Hakim in the face of “hegemony” coalition of state law on provincial councils in the center and south, and their success in winning the bet in Baghdad and Basra, the two capitals of political and economic development of Iraq .
The United States is the greatest ally of Iraq, after the 2003 war that led to change the regime of Saddam Hussein withdrew the U.S. military from Iraq in 2011 militarily with the two sides signed the Iraqi and the U.S. during the year 2008, the Strategic Framework Agreement to support the ministries and agencies of the Iraqi transition from the strategic partnership with the Republic of Iraq to the areas of economic, diplomatic, cultural and security, based on reducing the number of reconstruction teams in the provinces, as well as providing important sustainable rule of law, including the police development program and the completion of the coordination, supervision and report to the Fund of Iraq relief and reconstruction, which is what makes any candidate is coming to the prime minister, even if “Sdria” forced to deal with the United States.
