Washington closed its embassy in Baghdad due to security considerations

Washington closed its embassy in Baghdad due to security considerations

13:45 02/08/2013

Washington closed its embassy in Baghdad due to security considerationsFollow-up – and babysit – Ministry of Foreign Affairs has decided to close some of the American embassies operating normally on Sunday in Abu Dhabi, Baghdad and Cairo, and performs closing next Sunday because of unspecified security concerns.
The channel said CBS News television that “the closure of embassies information linked to the CIA base scheme targeting U.S. diplomatic sites in the Middle East and other Islamic countries.”

She said the intelligence did not mention a specific location.

Marie هارف said ministry spokeswoman told reporters, “Foreign Ministry issued instructions to some U.S. embassies and consulates to remain closed or suspended work on the fourth Sunday of August … security considerations prompted us to take this precautionary step.”

The هارف refused to give details about those “security considerations” or label that embassies and consulates will be closed, but a senior U.S. State Department official said later told reporters that those embassies are usually open on Sundays.

Showed a quick search on the State Department Web site on the Internet that these embassies, including several U.S. missions in the Muslim world, including the embassy in Abu Dhabi, Baghdad and Cairo.

Said CBS News that “the U.S. embassies are also in Bahrain, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Libya, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Yemen, Afghanistan and Bangladesh will be closed on Sunday.”

And said هارف “Foreign Ministry has received information indicating that we should take these precautionary measures motivated by caution and care for our employees and others who may be visiting our facilities .. ministry to take such steps when circumstances warrant to ensure the continuity of our operations, taking into account security and safety considerations

