Warning the likelihood of continued inflation


Warned economists continue to increase the rate of inflation and the high index of prices in the country despite assurances to the Iraqi Central Bank last that this escalation is still “within the borders controlled.” In an interview with Radio Free Iraq, the President of the Economic Media Centre non-governmental Dargham Muhammad Ali that worry observers the status of the continuing rise of inflation and… the general index of prices due to the fact that “the Iraqi market remained the province of a certain level of prices during the years 2008 – 2009 despite the fact that these two years have seen the global economic crisis, which had its repercussions clear all economies of the countries is generally not that With the decline in the effects of this crisis began to indicators of inflation and high prices to rise, in the Iraqi market, which is worrying but not more than one case the lack of government interest in this data. ” He also called on the authorities responsible economic to take a number of measures rapidly and to reduce the growing rates of inflation and the general level of prices begin to “lift the ban on the import of fruits and vegetables through activating the performance of the Ministry of Commerce with regard to ration card and tighten control over the performance that can be described Balfoazavi leading to activation of the national strategy for housing through the expansion of the granting of loans and the distribution of residential land to take the citizen’s role in solving the housing crisis suffocating after the failure of the two roles of government and investment in solving it. ” The Iraqi Ministry of Planning and despite the approval of the fact that “growing in the rate of inflation and the general price index,” but it played down the words of its spokesman Abdul-Zahra al-Hindawi, the importance of the warnings of observers, economists on this matter based on the statistics that indicate that “the general inflation rate since February 2011 to February 2012 did not exceed the range of 5% due to the continuous rise of the price index in the housing sector only, which in turn led to a slight rise in prices in general. ” However, analysts attributed the escalating rate of inflation and the general index of prices of the two “totally not commensurate clearly with the income level of the simple citizen” to the other reasons not related to the sector, housing, recalling the economic expert Ala short that the “Declaration of the Ministry of Finance in February 2012, near the tariff application of the work caused in raising the level of local market prices between 10% to 15%, the rise it will not back down even if large merchants dropped the ministry on its decision to apply the tariff, “according to his opinion.