Wall Street is investigating institutional corruption in Iraq
Wall Street is investigating institutional corruption in Iraq
Baghdad, Hong Kong / Orr News
Published (The Wall Street Journal / Asia edition) that corruption in the public sector in Iraq had reached its peak and continues to rise in rates, according to the tens of thousands of government employees who responded to a survey conducted by the Integrity Commission.
The issue of corruption in the country’s main concern in the local council elections in the two provinces the remaining Sunni Nineveh, Anbar, which witnessed months of protests against the central Shiite government in Baghdad.
Of the 31,000 civil servants who were interviewed, found that more than half of them said corruption in the country is very large and is getting worse day after day. Even government officials who have undergone the poll said that there is an average of at least four bribes carried out each year, a rate gives an idea of the levels of corruption in the whole of Iraqi society.
Certainly, such figures will reach ordinary Iraqis, most of whom lived frustration coupled with the recession and government corruption. In the statistical corruption in 2012 carried out by Transparency International, Iraq received 18 of the 100 center at rates of corruption in the public sector. This figure puts Iraq in the same place with Tahiti 19 and Myanmar place in 15th place.
But the concept of corruption, as reflected in the study is one of the most important and the most serious challenges facing Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, as well as the Shiite government and are facing these days of sectarian violence and parliamentary elections in the coming year which is threatening the seven years he spent in his government. فقدرات limited Maliki government in moving towards bureaucracy and the provision of adequate public services such as electricity, health care and sanitation all constitute one of the most important problems facing his rule. Usually ماتكون the violence in major protests in the Sunni provinces of Anbar and Nineveh stimulating rates of unemployment and lack of electricity in the summer months as well as due to sectarian discrimination.
In a survey conducted by the National Foundation for Democracy returning to the United States as well as Grenperga and some consulting firms in April 2012 found that 42% of those who responded to the poll, the enemy, the question of providing electricity and water important national issues by providing work and employment. And more than half said that the service is getting worse. For Iraqis, the corruption fills in the blanks left by the government services; as 45% of the people who participated in the survey reported the bribes were given to facilitate administrative procedures and 26 percent said they provided رشوى to improve government services. Rates comes despite mounting corruption which seems strong government efforts to control the center of these difficult circumstances.
The study shows the Iraqi body was Integrity points indicate the increasing number of reports of corruption that came to 12520 in 2011, while it was 786 in 2004. Part of the problem could lie in nepotism and poor recruitment decisions in a large bureaucratic control most of the daily life in Iraq. While 35% said civil servants that they have not undergone formal procedures for the appointment, according to press edition of the Development Authority of the United Nations, which also contributed to the preparation of the report. While he said 60% of the civil servants that they had received offers Barashy, more than two-thirds of those who responded to the study said they did not feel comfortable by reports documenting the extortion money in official circles.