Vintage version of the Gospel of the explosion of a surprise about the “crucifixion of Christ”

Vintage version of the Gospel of the explosion of a surprise about the “crucifixion of Christ”

Wednesday June 28, 2017 at 10:56

Vintage version of the Gospel of the explosion of a surprise about the crucifixion of ChristBAGHDAD / Sky Press:

The Vatican said that the Bible (the Bible), the newly discovered age is estimated at about 2000 years and found in Turkey, he says that “Jesus Christ was not crucified as everyone thinks normally.”

Says the book, which is now kept in Alatnogeravia Museum of Ankara, that Christ was not crucified, as he was not the Son of God literally, but was actually a prophet, and reveals that Jesus ascended to heaven alive, and that Judas Askariot solid instead, depending on the location .

The book was found with a gang of smugglers in the process of the Mediterranean area, which has been accused of smuggling antiquities and illegal excavations and the possession of explosives, and the same books worth 40 million Turkish liras (about $ 28 million).

According to reports, experts and religious authorities insist that the original book, and the book itself written in gold letters, on a linked Aramaic skin, which is Jesus Christ the language, adding that the text maintains a similar vision of Islam, contrary to the teachings of the New Testament Christianity, says that Christ comes after him Prophet Muhammad, who preached Islam after 700 years.

It is believed that the Catholic Church, through the Council of Nicia, the Gospels which form the Bible as we know it today, and the deletion of the Gospel of Barnabas, among many others in favor of the four of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John the basic Gospels chose, many biblical texts began to appear over time, including the texts of the Dead Sea and the Gnostic Gospels; but this book especially raises a lot of concern within the Vatican.

The Vatican asked the Turkish authorities to allow them to examine the contents of the book within the Church.