Vice: The government will go to get weapons from Russia if America has not fulfilled its obligations

Vice: The government will go to get weapons from Russia if America has not fulfilled its obligations

5/15/2015 fifty past six p.m.

Vice - The government will go to get weapons from Russia if America has not fulfilled its obligations[Baghdad – where]
MP for the National Alliance Furat al-Tamimi, on Friday, that the government will go to get arms from other countries if the United States violated its obligations and contracts for armament.
He said al-Tamimi told all of Iraq [where], “The United States, if breached its obligations and contracts for armament contracts with Iraq, the government will be in front through the last to get the weapon, and there are only direction option towards Russia and others for arming and fighting Daash.” He added that ” The defense and interior ministries are suffering from severe shortages of weapons especially advanced ones, where high accuracy “, adding that” the government before the great and the responsibility of a challenge to the provision of arms and security forces and the crowd popular and clans. ” intends to Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi visit Russia during the next few days to discuss the issue of arming Iraqi army and file Russian investments in Iraq. The security and strategic expert Hisham al-Hashimi said that Iraq is heading for the purchase of helicopters, helicopter, sophisticated weapons from the Russian Federation, with a total value estimated at $ 3 billion during the visit of Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi to Moscow. Hashemi said, that “the deal that the prime minister will present to Russian officials, is an old deal, impede contracted with the Russian side, because of accusations of corruption for a number of Iraqi officials from the previous government. ” he concluded Iraq and the Russian Federation in 2012 a deal to supply Iraq with different weaponry Russian, worth $ 4.3 billion. end