Vice-Maliki wing stirred chaos to prevent the passing of ministerial cabin

Deputy of the session: Vice-Maliki wing stirred chaos to prevent the passing of ministerial cabin

26.4.2016 14:56

Vice-Maliki wing stirred chaos to prevent the passing of ministerial cabin[Where – Baghdad]
deputy from within the House of Representatives session revealed on Tuesday that ” the deputies of the wing of former Prime Minister Nuri al – Maliki raised the chaos to prevent a vote on the ministerial cabin.”
According to the parliamentarian , who declined to be named told all of Iraq [where] that ” the deputies of the State of Law bloc, belonging to the al – Maliki suite, tried to create chaos to prevent the passing of new ministerial cabin, they are not in their personal interests narrow.”
He said the “Hall entered Council estimated 25 deputies , “stressing that” the rest of the House of Representatives wrists were not convinced what do these MPs. ”
arrived Prime Minister Haider al – Abadi to the House of Representatives to provide new ministerial his booth, while the Council lifted its half – hour to be agreed to vote on the new cabin.